

Nimber multiplication and division #

The nim product a * b is recursively defined as the least nimber not equal to any a' * b + a * b' + a' * b' for a' < a and b' < b. When endowed with this operation, the nimbers form a field.

It's possible to show the existence of the nimber inverse implicitly via the simplicity theorem. Instead, we employ the explicit formula given in [On Numbers And Games][conway2001] (p. 56), which uses mutual induction and mimicks the definition for the surreal inverse. This definition invAux "accidentally" gives the inverse of 0 as 1, which the real inverse corrects.

Todo #

Nimber multiplication #

def Nimber.mul (a b : Nimber) :

Nimber multiplication is recursively defined so that a * b is the smallest nimber not equal to a' * b + a * b' + a' * b' for a' < a and b' < b.

Instances For
    theorem Nimber.mul_def (a b : Nimber) :
    a * b = sInf {x : Nimber | a' < a, b' < b, a' * b + a * b' + a' * b' = x}
    theorem Nimber.exists_of_lt_mul {a b c : Nimber} (h : c < a * b) :
    a' < a, b' < b, a' * b + a * b' + a' * b' = c
    theorem Nimber.mul_le_of_forall_ne {a b c : Nimber} (h : a' < a, b' < b, a' * b + a * b' + a' * b' c) :
    a * b c
    theorem Nimber.mul_comm (a b : Nimber) :
    a * b = b * a
    theorem Nimber.mul_add (a b c : Nimber) :
    a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
    theorem Nimber.add_mul (a b c : Nimber) :
    (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c
    theorem Nimber.mul_assoc (a b c : Nimber) :
    a * b * c = a * (b * c)
    theorem Nimber.one_mul (a : Nimber) :
    1 * a = a
    theorem Nimber.mul_one (a : Nimber) :
    a * 1 = a

    Nimber division #


    The nimber inverse a⁻¹ is mutually recursively defined as the smallest nimber not in the set s = invSet a, which itself is defined as the smallest set with 0 ∈ s and (1 + (a + a') * b) / a' ∈ s for 0 < a' < a and b ∈ s.

    This preliminary definition "accidentally" satisfies invAux 0 = 1, which the real inverse corrects. The lemma inv_eq_invAux can be used to transfer between the two.

    Instances For

      The set in the definition of invAux a.

      Instances For
        theorem Nimber.cons_mem_invSet {a b a' : Nimber} (ha₀ : a' 0) (ha : a' < a) (hb : b a.invSet) :
        a'.invAux * (1 + (a + a') * b) a.invSet

        "cons" is our operation (1 + (a + a') * b) / a' in the definition of the inverse.

        theorem Nimber.invSet_recOn {p : NimberProp} (a : Nimber) (h0 : p 0) (hi : a' < a, a' 0∀ (b : Nimber), p bp (a'.invAux * (1 + (a + a') * b))) (x : Nimber) (hx : x a.invSet) :
        p x

        A recursion principle for invSet.

        theorem Nimber.invAux_mem_invSet_of_lt {a b : Nimber} (ha : a 0) (hb : a < b) :
        theorem Nimber.mul_invAux_cancel {a : Nimber} (h : a 0) :
        a * a.invAux = 1
        theorem Nimber.inv_eq_invAux {a : Nimber} (ha : a 0) :
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.