Ordinals #
Ordinals are defined as equivalences of well-ordered sets under order isomorphism. They are endowed with a total order, where an ordinal is smaller than another one if it embeds into it as an initial segment (or, equivalently, in any way). This total order is well founded.
Main definitions #
: the type of ordinals (in a given universe)Ordinal.type r
: given a well-founded orderr
, this is the corresponding ordinalOrdinal.typein r a
: given a well-founded orderr
on a typeα
, anda : α
, the ordinal corresponding to all elements smaller thana
.enum r ⟨o, h⟩
: given a well-orderr
on a typeα
, and an ordinalo
strictly smaller than the ordinal corresponding tor
(this is the assumptionh
), returns theo
-th element ofα
. In other words, the elements ofα
can be enumerated using ordinals up totype r
.Ordinal.card o
: the cardinality of an ordinalo
lifts an ordinal in universeu
to an ordinal in universemax u v
. For a version registering additionally that this is an initial segment embedding, seeOrdinal.liftInitialSeg
. For a version registering that it is a principal segment embedding ifu < v
, seeOrdinal.liftPrincipalSeg
is the order type ofℕ
. It is called this to matchCardinal.aleph0
and so that the omega function can be namedOrdinal.omega
. This definition is universe polymorphic:Ordinal.omega0.{u} : Ordinal.{u}
(contrast withℕ : Type
, which lives in a specific universe). In some cases the universe level has to be given explicitly.o₁ + o₂
is the order on the disjoint union ofo₁
obtained by declaring that every element ofo₁
is smaller than every element ofo₂
. The main properties of addition (and the other operations on ordinals) are stated and proved inMathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/Arithmetic.lean
. Here, we only introduce it and prove its basic properties to deduce the fact that the order on ordinals is total (and well founded).succ o
is the successor of the ordinalo
.Cardinal.ord c
: whenc
is a cardinal,ord c
is the smallest ordinal with this cardinality. It is the canonical way to represent a cardinal with an ordinal.
A conditionally complete linear order with bot structure is registered on ordinals, where ⊥
, the ordinal corresponding to the empty type, and Inf
is the minimum for nonempty sets and 0
for the empty set by convention.
Notations #
is a notation for the first infinite ordinal in the localeOrdinal
Definition of ordinals #
Bundled structure registering a well order on a type. Ordinals will be defined as a quotient of this type.
- α : Type u
The underlying type of the order.
The underlying relation of the order.
- wo : IsWellOrder self.α self.r
Instances For
- WellOrder.inhabited = { default := { α := PEmpty.{?u.3 + 1}, r := EmptyRelation, wo := WellOrder.inhabited.proof_1 } }
Equivalence relation on well orders on arbitrary types in universe u
, given by order
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
is the type of well orders in Type u
, up to order isomorphism.
Instances For
A "canonical" type order-isomorphic to the ordinal o
, living in the same universe. This is
defined through the axiom of choice.
Use this over Iio o
only when it is paramount to have a Type u
rather than a Type (u + 1)
- o.toType = (Quotient.out o).α
Instances For
- hasWellFounded_toType o = { rel := (Quotient.out o).r, wf := ⋯ }
Basic properties of the order type #
The order type of a well order is an ordinal.
- Ordinal.type r = ⟦{ α := α, r := r, wo := wo }⟧
Instances For
typeLT α
is an abbreviation for the order type of the <
relation of α
- Ordinal.termTypeLT_ = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Ordinal.termTypeLT_ 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "typeLT ") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 70))
Instances For
- Ordinal.zero = { zero := Ordinal.type EmptyRelation }
- Ordinal.inhabited = { default := 0 }
- Ordinal.one = { one := Ordinal.type EmptyRelation }
specialized to ordinals.
Not to be confused with well-founded recursion Ordinal.induction
specialized to ordinals.
Not to be confused with well-founded recursion Ordinal.induction
specialized to ordinals.
Not to be confused with well-founded recursion Ordinal.induction
To prove a result on ordinals, it suffices to prove it for order types of well-orders.
To define a function on ordinals, it suffices to define them on order types of well-orders.
Since LinearOrder
is data-carrying, liftOnWellOrder_type
is not a definitional equality, unlike
which is always def-eq.
- o.liftOnWellOrder f c = Quotient.liftOn o (fun (w : WellOrder) => f w.α) ⋯
Instances For
The order on ordinals #
For Ordinal
- less-equal is defined such that well orders
satisfytype r ≤ type s
if there exists a function embeddingr
as an initial segment ofs
. - less-than is defined such that well orders
satisfytype r < type s
if there exists a function embeddingr
as a principal segment ofs
Note that most of the relevant results on initial and principal segments are proved in the
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Given two ordinals α ≤ β
, then initialSegToType α β
is the initial segment embedding of
into β.toType
Instances For
Given two ordinals α < β
, then principalSegToType α β
is the principal segment embedding
of α.toType
into β.toType
Instances For
Enumerating elements in a well-order with ordinals #
The order type of an element inside a well order.
This is registered as a principal segment embedding into the ordinals, with top type r
- Ordinal.typein r = { toRelEmbedding := RelEmbedding.ofMonotone (fun (a : α) => Ordinal.type (Subrel r fun (x : α) => r x a)) ⋯, top := Ordinal.type r, mem_range_iff_rel' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Alias of Ordinal.typein
The order type of an element inside a well order.
This is registered as a principal segment embedding into the ordinals, with top type r
Instances For
A well order r
is order-isomorphic to the set of ordinals smaller than type r
enum r ⟨o, h⟩
is the o
-th element of α
ordered by r
That is, enum
maps an initial segment of the ordinals, those less than the order type of r
, to
the elements of α
- Ordinal.enum r = (Ordinal.typein r).subrelIso
Instances For
The order isomorphism between ordinals less than o
and o.toType
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- Ordinal.wellFoundedRelation = { rel := fun (x1 x2 : Ordinal.{?u.5}) => x1 < x2, wf := Ordinal.lt_wf }
Reformulation of well founded induction on ordinals as a lemma that works with the
tactic, as in induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => ?_
Cardinality of ordinals #
The cardinal of an ordinal is the cardinality of any type on which a relation with that order type is defined.
Instances For
Lifting ordinals to a higher universe #
The universe lift operation for ordinals, which embeds Ordinal.{u}
a proper initial segment of Ordinal.{v}
for v > u
. For the initial segment version,
see liftInitialSeg
- Ordinal.lift.{?u.13, ?u.12} o = Quotient.liftOn o (fun (w : WellOrder) => Ordinal.type (ULift.down ⁻¹'o w.r)) Ordinal.lift.proof_2
Instances For
lift.{max u v, u}
equals lift.{v, u}
Unfortunately, the simp lemma doesn't seem to work.
lift.{max v u, u}
equals lift.{v, u}
Unfortunately, the simp lemma doesn't seem to work.
An ordinal lifted to a lower or equal universe equals itself.
Unfortunately, the simp lemma doesn't work.
An ordinal lifted to the same universe equals itself.
An ordinal lifted to the zero universe equals itself.
Initial segment version of the lift operation on ordinals, embedding Ordinal.{u}
as an initial segment when u ≤ v
- Ordinal.liftInitialSeg = { toRelEmbedding := RelEmbedding.ofMonotone Ordinal.lift.{?u.22, ?u.21} Ordinal.liftInitialSeg.proof_2, mem_range_of_rel' := Ordinal.liftInitialSeg.proof_3 }
Instances For
Alias of Ordinal.liftInitialSeg
Initial segment version of the lift operation on ordinals, embedding Ordinal.{u}
as an initial segment when u ≤ v
Instances For
The first infinite ordinal ω #
is the first infinite ordinal, defined as the order type of ℕ
- Ordinal.omega0 = Ordinal.lift.{?u.5, 0} (Ordinal.type fun (x1 x2 : ℕ) => x1 < x2)
Instances For
is the first infinite ordinal, defined as the order type of ℕ
- Ordinal.termω = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Ordinal.termω 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "ω")
Instances For
Definition and first properties of addition on ordinals #
In this paragraph, we introduce the addition on ordinals, and prove just enough properties to
deduce that the order on ordinals is total (and therefore well-founded). Further properties of
the addition, together with properties of the other operations, are proved in
o₁ + o₂
is the order on the disjoint union of o₁
and o₂
obtained by declaring that
every element of o₁
is smaller than every element of o₂
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Successor order properties #
- Ordinal.instSuccOrder = SuccOrder.ofSuccLeIff (fun (o : Ordinal.{?u.6}) => o + 1) ⋯
- Ordinal.uniqueIioOne = { default := ⟨0, ⋯⟩, uniq := Ordinal.uniqueIioOne.proof_1 }
- Ordinal.uniqueToTypeOne = { default := (Ordinal.enum fun (x1 x2 : Ordinal.toType 1) => x1 < x2) ⟨0, Ordinal.uniqueToTypeOne.proof_2⟩, uniq := Ordinal.uniqueToTypeOne.proof_3 }
Extra properties of typein and enum #
Universal ordinal #
univ.{u v}
is the order type of the ordinals of Type u
as a member
of Ordinal.{v}
(when u < v
). It is an inaccessible cardinal.
- Ordinal.univ.{?u.2, ?u.1} = Ordinal.lift.{?u.1, ?u.2 + 1} (Ordinal.type fun (x1 x2 : Ordinal.{?u.2}) => x1 < x2)
Instances For
Principal segment version of the lift operation on ordinals, embedding Ordinal.{u}
as a principal segment when u < v
- Ordinal.liftPrincipalSeg = { toRelEmbedding := Ordinal.liftInitialSeg.toRelEmbedding, top := Ordinal.univ.{?u.26, ?u.25}, mem_range_iff_rel' := Ordinal.liftPrincipalSeg.proof_1 }
Instances For
Alias of Ordinal.liftPrincipalSeg
Principal segment version of the lift operation on ordinals, embedding Ordinal.{u}
as a principal segment when u < v
Instances For
Representing a cardinal with an ordinal #
The ordinal corresponding to a cardinal c
is the least ordinal
whose cardinal is c
. For the order-embedding version, see ord.order_embedding
- c.ord = Quot.liftOn c (fun (α : Type ?u.19) => ⨅ (r : { r : α → α → Prop // IsWellOrder α r }), Ordinal.type ↑r) Cardinal.ord.proof_2
Instances For
Galois coinsertion between Cardinal.ord
and Ordinal.card
Instances For
A variation on Cardinal.lt_ord
using ≤
: If o
is no greater than the
initial ordinal of cardinality c
, then its cardinal is no greater than c
The converse, however, is false (for instance, o = ω+1
and c = ℵ₀
The ordinal corresponding to a cardinal c
is the least ordinal
whose cardinal is c
. This is the order-embedding version. For the regular function, see ord