

norm_num plugin for big operators #

This file adds norm_num plugins for and Finset.sum.

The driving part of this plugin is Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.evalFinsetBigop. We repeatedly use Finset.proveEmptyOrCons to try to find a proof that the given set is empty, or that it consists of one element inserted into a strict subset, and evaluate the big operator on that subset until the set is completely exhausted.

See also #

Porting notes #

This plugin is noticeably less powerful than the equivalent version in Mathlib 3: the design of norm_num means plugins have to return numerals, rather than a generic expression. In particular, we can't use the plugin on sums containing variables. (See also the TODO note "To support variables".)


This represents the result of trying to determine whether the given expression n : Q(ℕ) is either zero or succ.

Instances For

    Determine whether the expression n : Q(ℕ) unifies with 0 or Nat.succ n'.

    We do not use norm_num functionality because we want definitional equality, not propositional equality, for use in dependent types.

    Fails if neither of the options succeed.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      inductive Mathlib.Meta.List.ProveNilOrConsResult {u : Lean.Level} {α : Q(Type u)} (s : Q(List «$α»)) :

      This represents the result of trying to determine whether the given expression s : Q(List $α) is either empty or consists of an element inserted into a strict subset.

      Instances For
        def Mathlib.Meta.List.ProveNilOrConsResult.uncheckedCast {u v : Lean.Level} {α : Q(Type u)} {β : Q(Type v)} (s : Q(List «$α»)) (t : Q(List «$β»)) :

        If s unifies with t, convert a result for s to a result for t.

        If s does not unify with t, this results in a type-incorrect proof.

        Instances For
          partial def Mathlib.Meta.List.proveNilOrCons {u : Lean.Level} {α : Q(Type u)} (s : Q(List «$α»)) :

          Either show the expression s : Q(List α) is Nil, or remove one element from it.

          Fails if we cannot determine which of the alternatives apply to the expression.

          inductive Mathlib.Meta.Multiset.ProveZeroOrConsResult {u : Lean.Level} {α : Q(Type u)} (s : Q(Multiset «$α»)) :

          This represents the result of trying to determine whether the given expression s : Q(Multiset $α) is either empty or consists of an element inserted into a strict subset.

          Instances For
            theorem Mathlib.Meta.Multiset.insert_eq_cons {α : Type u_1} (a : α) (s : Multiset α) :
            insert a s = a ::ₘ s
            theorem Mathlib.Meta.Multiset.range_succ' {n nn n' : } (pn : NormNum.IsNat n nn) (pn' : nn = n'.succ) :

            Either show the expression s : Q(Multiset α) is Zero, or remove one element from it.

            Fails if we cannot determine which of the alternatives apply to the expression.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              inductive Mathlib.Meta.Finset.ProveEmptyOrConsResult {u : Lean.Level} {α : Q(Type u)} (s : Q(Finset «$α»)) :

              This represents the result of trying to determine whether the given expression s : Q(Finset $α) is either empty or consists of an element inserted into a strict subset.

              Instances For
                theorem Mathlib.Meta.Finset.insert_eq_cons {α : Type u_1} [DecidableEq α] (a : α) (s : Finset α) (h : as) :
                insert a s = Finset.cons a s h
                theorem Mathlib.Meta.Finset.range_succ' {n nn n' : } (pn : NormNum.IsNat n nn) (pn' : nn = n'.succ) :
                theorem Mathlib.Meta.Finset.univ_eq_elems {α : Type u_1} [Fintype α] (elems : Finset α) (complete : ∀ (x : α), x elems) :

                Either show the expression s : Q(Finset α) is empty, or remove one element from it.

                Fails if we cannot determine which of the alternatives apply to the expression.

                def Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.Result.eq_trans {u : Lean.Level} {α : Q(Type u)} {a b : Q(«$α»)} (eq : Q(«$a» = «$b»)) :
                Result bResult a

                If a = b and we can evaluate b, then we can evaluate a.

                Instances For
                  theorem Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.Finset.sum_empty {β : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring β] (f : αβ) :
                  IsNat (.sum f) 0
                  theorem Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.Finset.prod_empty {β : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [CommSemiring β] (f : αβ) :
                  IsNat (.prod f) 1
                  partial def Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.evalFinsetBigop {u v : Lean.Level} {α : Q(Type u)} {β : Q(Type v)} (op : Q(Finset «$α»(«$α»«$β»)«$β»)) (f : Q(«$α»«$β»)) (res_empty : Result q(«$op» Finset.empty «$f»)) (res_cons : {a : Q(«$α»)} → {s' : Q(Finset «$α»)} → {h : Q(«$a»«$s'»)} → Result q(«$f» «$a»)Result q(«$op» «$s'» «$f»)Lean.MetaM (Result q(«$op» (Finset.cons «$a» «$s'» «$h») «$f»))) (s : Q(Finset «$α»)) :
                  Lean.MetaM (Result q(«$op» «$s» «$f»))

                  Evaluate a big operator applied to a finset by repeating proveEmptyOrCons until we exhaust all elements of the set.

                  norm_num plugin for evaluating products of finsets.

                  If your finset is not supported, you can add it to the match in Finset.proveEmptyOrCons.

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For

                    norm_num plugin for evaluating sums of finsets.

                    If your finset is not supported, you can add it to the match in Finset.proveEmptyOrCons.

                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For