

order tactic #

This module defines the order tactic, a decision procedure for the theories of Preorder, PartialOrder, and LinearOrder.

Implementation Details #

Below, we describe the algorithm for each type of order. All algorithms begin with two steps:

  1. Negate the goal so that our goal now is to derive False.
  2. Collect the set of facts, i.e., atomic expressions in one of six forms: x = y, x ≠ y, x ≤ y, ¬(x ≤ y), x < y, and ¬(x < y). We then attempt to derive a contradiction from this set of facts.

Preorder #

  1. Preprocessing. We replace some facts as follows:
  1. Building the -graph. We construct a graph where vertices correspond to atoms, and an edge (x, y) exists if the fact x ≤ y is present in our set of facts. We call this graph a -graph.
  2. Growing the -graph with -facts. In preorders, ¬(x < y) is equivalent to (x ≤ y) → (y ≤ x). Thus, if y is reachable from x in the -graph, we can derive the new fact y ≤ x. At this step, we add such edges to the graph while possible.
  3. Finding contradictions using -facts. For each fact ¬(x ≤ y), we check if y is reachable from x in the -graph. If so, we derive the desired contradiction.

Why is this a decision procedure? #

Technically, it is not, because it cannot prove (x = y) → (y ≠ z) → (x ≠ z). Goals involving only = and can be handled by the cc tactic. Assume, then, that a set T of facts is contradictory, but there is no chain x₁ = x₂ = ... = xₖ in T along with the fact x₁ ≠ xₖ. Then we claim that the described algorithm is able to deduce a contradiction from T. Let T' be the set of facts after preprocessing. Then T' remains contradictory.

Indeed, suppose that T' is satisfiable, i.e., there exists a model M that satisfies T'. Consider a quotient M' of M by the equivalence relation ~, where a ~ b holds for a ≠ b iff both a and b are values of some variables x and y from T, and there is a chain x = ... = y in T. Define the relation R' on M' as α R' β if and only if a R b in M for some a ∈ α and b ∈ β. Then M' is a model satisfying T:

If, at step 6, no contradictory -facts were found, we must show that a model satisfies T'. A suitable model can be constructed using the connected components of the =-graph (defined similarly to the -graph), with the relation R defined as C₁ R C₂ iff C₂ is reachable from C₁ in the -graph. Each variable x is interpreted as its component [x]. This forms a preorder, and we verify that each fact in T' is satisfied:

Partial Order #

  1. Preprocessing. We replace some facts as follows:
  1. Building the -graph: Same as for preorders.
  2. Growing the -graph with -facts: Same as for preorders.
  3. Finding contradictions using -facts. We identify strongly connected components in the -graph using a standard algorithm. For each fact x ≠ y, we check whether x and y belong to the same component. If they do, then x = y is provable, contradicting x ≠ y.

Why is this a decision procedure? #

Assume that a set T of facts is contradictory. We must show that the described algorithm can derive a contradiction. Let T' be the set of facts after preprocessing. By construction, T' is also contradictory (they are equisatisfiable). If, at step 6, no contradictory -facts were found, we must show that a model satisfies T'. A suitable model consists of the strongly connected components of the -graph, with the relation R defined as C₁ R C₂ iff C₂ is reachable from C₁. Each variable x is interpreted as its component [x]. This forms a partial order, and we verify that each fact in T' is satisfied:

Linear Order #

  1. Preprocessing. We replace some facts as follows:
  1. Building the -graph: Same as for preorders.
  2. Finding contradictions using -facts: Same as for partial orders.

Note that the algorithm for linear orders is simply the algorithm for partial orders with an additional preprocessing step. It also skips the growing step because there is no -facts.

Why is this a decision procedure? #

We need to slightly modify the proof for partial orders. In this case, T and T' are again equisatisfiable. Suppose the algorithm cannot find a contradiction, and construct the model of T'. The carrier of the model is once again the set of strongly connected components in the -graph, with variables interpreted as their respective components. Note that the reachability relation (used before) on components is acyclic. Therefore, it can be topologically ordered, meaning it forms a linear order where C₁ R C₂ whenever C₂ is reachable from C₁. It is easy to see that all facts in T' are satisfied by the model.

Finds a contradictory -fact whose .lhs and .rhs belong to the same strongly connected component in the -graph, implying they must be equal, and then uses it to derive False.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For

    Using the -graph g, find a contradiction with some -fact.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Each fact ¬ (x < y) allows to add the edge (x, y) when y is reachable from x in the graph. We repeat adding edges using this until no more edges can be added.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        Supported order types: linear, partial, and preorder.

        Instances For

          Find the "best" instance of an order on a given type. A linear order is preferred over a partial order, and a partial order is preferred over a preorder.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            A finishing tactic for solving goals in arbitrary Preorder, PartialOrder, or LinearOrder.

            Instances For