

Category of Profinite Groups #

We say G is a profinite group if it is a topological group which is compact and totally disconnected.

Main definitions and results #

structure ProfiniteGrp :
Type (u_1 + 1)

The category of profinite groups. A term of this type consists of a profinite set with a topological group structure.

Instances For
    structure ProfiniteAddGrp :
    Type (u_1 + 1)

    The category of profinite additive groups. A term of this type consists of a profinite set with a topological additive group structure.

    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]

      Construct a term of ProfiniteGrp from a type endowed with the structure of a compact and totally disconnected topological group. (The condition of being Hausdorff can be omitted here because totally disconnected implies that {1} is a closed set, thus implying Hausdorff in a topological group.)

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]

        Construct a term of ProfiniteAddGrp from a type endowed with the structure of a compact and totally disconnected topological additive group. (The condition of being Hausdorff can be omitted here because totally disconnected implies that {0} is a closed set, thus implying Hausdorff in a topological additive group.)

        Instances For

          The type of morphisms in ProfiniteAddGrp.

          Instances For
            theorem ProfiniteAddGrp.Hom.ext {A B : ProfiniteAddGrp.{u}} {x y : A.Hom B} (hom' : x.hom' = y.hom') :
            x = y

            The type of morphisms in ProfiniteGrp.

            Instances For
              theorem ProfiniteGrp.Hom.ext {A B : ProfiniteGrp.{u}} {x y : A.Hom B} (hom' : x.hom' = y.hom') :
              x = y
              @[reducible, inline]

              The underlying ContinuousMonoidHom.

              Instances For
                theorem ProfiniteGrp.comp_apply {A B C : ProfiniteGrp.{u}} (f : A B) (g : B C) (a : A.toProfinite.toTop) :
                theorem ProfiniteAddGrp.hom_ext {A B : ProfiniteAddGrp.{u}} {f g : A B} (hf : Hom.hom f = Hom.hom g) :
                f = g
                theorem ProfiniteGrp.hom_ext {A B : ProfiniteGrp.{u}} {f g : A B} (hf : Hom.hom f = Hom.hom g) :
                f = g
                theorem ProfiniteGrp.ofHom_hom {A B : ProfiniteGrp.{u}} (f : A B) :
                theorem ProfiniteGrp.inv_hom_apply {A B : ProfiniteGrp.{u}} (e : A B) (x : A.toProfinite.toTop) :
                (Hom.hom e.inv) ((Hom.hom e.hom) x) = x
                theorem ProfiniteGrp.hom_inv_apply {A B : ProfiniteGrp.{u}} (e : A B) (x : B.toProfinite.toTop) :
                (Hom.hom e.hom) ((Hom.hom e.inv) x) = x
                theorem ProfiniteGrp.coe_comp {X Y Z : ProfiniteGrp.{u_1}} (f : X Y) (g : Y Z) :
                @[reducible, inline]

                Construct a term of ProfiniteGrp from a type endowed with the structure of a profinite topological group.

                Instances For
                  @[reducible, inline]

                  Construct a term of ProfiniteAddGrp from a type endowed with the structure of a profinite topological additive group.

                  Instances For

                    The pi-type of profinite groups is a profinite group.

                    Instances For

                      The pi-type of profinite additive groups is a profinite additive group.

                      Instances For

                        A FiniteGrp when given the discrete topology can be considered as a profinite group.

                        Instances For

                          A FiniteAddGrp when given the discrete topology can be considered as a profinite additive group.

                          Instances For
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                            A closed subgroup of a profinite group is profinite.

                            Instances For

                              A closed additive subgroup of a profinite additive group is profinite.

                              Instances For

                                A topological group that has a ContinuousMulEquiv to a profinite group is profinite.

                                Instances For

                                  A topological additive group that has a ContinuousAddEquiv to a profinite additive group is profinite.

                                  Instances For

                                    Build an isomorphism in the category ProfiniteGrp from a ContinuousMulEquiv between ProfiniteGrps.

                                    Instances For

                                      The functor mapping a profinite group to its underlying profinite space.

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                                      Limits in the category of profinite groups #

                                      In this section, we construct limits in the category of profinite groups.

                                      TODO #

                                      Auxiliary construction to obtain the group structure on the limit of profinite groups.

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                                      Instances For

                                        Auxiliary construction to obtain the additive group structure on the limit of profinite additive groups.

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                                        Instances For
                                          @[reducible, inline]

                                          The explicit limit cone in ProfiniteGrp.

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                                          Instances For

                                            ProfiniteGrp.limitCone is a limit cone.

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                                            Instances For
                                              theorem ProfiniteGrp.limit_ext {J : Type v} [CategoryTheory.SmallCategory J] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor J ProfiniteGrp.{max v u}) (x y : (limit F).toProfinite.toTop) (hxy : ∀ (j : J), x j = y j) :
                                              x = y
                                              theorem ProfiniteGrp.limit_mul_val {J : Type v} [CategoryTheory.SmallCategory J] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor J ProfiniteGrp.{max v u}) (x y : (limit F).toProfinite.toTop) (j : J) :
                                              ↑(x * y) j = x j * y j