A "module topology" for modules over a topological ring #
If R
is a topological ring acting on an additive abelian group A
, we define the
module topology to be the finest topology on A
making both the maps
• : R × A → A
and + : A × A → A
continuous (with all the products having the
product topology). Note that - : A → A
is also automatically continuous as it is a ↦ (-1) • a
This topology was suggested by Will Sawin here.
Mathematical details #
I (buzzard) don't know of any reference for this other than Sawin's mathoverflow answer, so I expand some of the details here.
First note that the definition makes sense in far more generality (for example R
just needs to
be a topological space acting on an additive monoid).
Next note that there is a finest topology with this property! Indeed, topologies on a fixed
type form a complete lattice (infinite infs and sups exist). So if τ
is the Inf of all
the topologies on A
which make +
and •
continuous, then the claim is that +
and •
are still continuous for τ
(note that topologies are ordered so that finer topologies
are smaller). To show + : A × A → A
is continuous we equivalently need to show
that the pushforward of the product topology τ × τ
along +
is ≤ τ
, and because τ
the greatest lower bound of the topologies making •
and +
it suffices to show that it's ≤ σ
for any topology σ
on A
which makes +
and •
However pushforward and products are monotone, so τ × τ ≤ σ × σ
, and the pushforward of
σ × σ
is ≤ σ
because that's precisely the statement that +
is continuous for σ
The proof for •
follows mutatis mutandis.
A topological module for a topological ring R
is an R
-module A
with a topology
making +
and •
continuous. The discussion so far has shown that the module topology makes
an R
-module A
into a topological module, and moreover is the finest topology with this property.
A crucial observation is that if M
is a topological R
-module, if A
is an R
-module with no
topology, and if φ : A → M
is linear, then the pullback of M
's topology to A
is a topology
making A
into a topological module. Let's for example check that •
is continuous.
If U ⊆ A
is open then by definition of the pullback topology, U = φ⁻¹(V)
for some open V ⊆ M
and now the pullback of U
under •
is just the pullback along the continuous map
id × φ : R × A → R × M
of the preimage of V
under the continuous map • : R × M → M
so it's open. The proof for +
is similar.
As a consequence of this, we see that if φ : A → M
is a linear map between topological R
modules and if A
has the module topology, then φ
is automatically continuous.
Indeed the argument above shows that if A → M
is linear then the module
topology on A
is ≤
the pullback of the module topology on M
(because it's the inf of a set
containing this topology) which is the definition of continuity.
We also deduce that the module topology is a functor from the category of R
a topological ring) to the category of topological R
-modules, and it is perhaps
unsurprising that this is an adjoint to the forgetful functor. Indeed, if A
is an R
and M
is a topological R
-module, then the previous paragraph shows that
the linear maps A → M
are precisely the continuous linear maps
from (A
with its module topology) to M
, so the module topology is a left adjoint
to the forgetful functor.
This file develops the theory of the module topology.
Main theorems #
IsTopologicalSemiring.toIsModuleTopology : IsModuleTopology R R
. The module topology onR
's topology.IsModuleTopology.iso [IsModuleTopology R A] (e : A ≃L[R] B) : IsModuleTopology R B
. IfA
-modules with topologies, ife
is a topological isomorphism between them, and ifA
has the module topology, thenB
has the module topology.IsModuleTopology.instProd
: IfM
-modules each equipped with the module topology, then the product topology onM × N
is the module topology.IsModuleTopology.instPi
: Given a finite collection ofR
-modules each of which has the module topology, the product topology on the product module is the module topology.IsModuleTopology.isTopologicalRing
: IfD
is anR
-algebra equipped with the module topology, andD
is finite as anR
-module, thenD
is a topological ring (that is, addition, negation and multiplication are continuous).
Now say φ : A →ₗ[R] B
is an R
-linear map between R
-modules equipped with
the module topology.
IsModuleTopology.continuous_of_linearMap φ
is the proof thatφ
is automatically continuous.IsModuleTopology.isQuotientMap_of_surjective (hφ : Function.Surjective φ)
is the proof that if furthermoreφ
is surjective then it is a quotient map, that is, the module topology onB
is the pushforward of the module topology onA
Now say ψ : A →ₗ[R] B →ₗ[R] C
is an R
-bilinear map between R
-modules equipped with
the module topology.
: IfA
is finite thenA × B → C
is continuous.IsModuleTopology.continuous_bilinear_of_finite_right
: IfB
is finite thenA × B → C
is continuous.
- The module topology is a functor from the category of
-modules to the category of topologicalR
-modules, and it's an adjoint to the forgetful functor.
The module topology, for a module A
over a topological ring R
. It's the finest topology
making addition and the R
-action continuous, or equivalently the finest topology making A
into a topological R
-module. More precisely it's the Inf of the set of
topologies with these properties; theorems continuousSMul
and continuousAdd
that the module topology also has these properties.
- moduleTopology R A = sInf {t : TopologicalSpace A | ContinuousSMul R A ∧ ContinuousAdd A}
Instances For
A class asserting that the topology on a module over a topological ring R
the module topology. See moduleTopology
for more discussion of the module topology.
Note that this should not be used directly, and
, which takesR
explicitly, should be used instead.
Scalar multiplication • : R × A → A
is continuous if R
is a topological
ring, and A
is an R
module with the module topology.
Addition + : A × A → A
is continuous if R
is a topological
ring, and A
is an R
module with the module topology.
The module topology is ≤
any topology making A
into a topological module.
If A
is a topological R
-module and the identity map from (A
with its given
topology) to (A
with the module topology) is continuous, then the topology on A
the module topology.
The zero module has the module topology.
If A
and B
are R
-modules, homeomorphic via an R
-linear homeomorphism, and if
has the module topology, then so does B
We now fix once and for all a topological semiring R
We first prove that the module topology on R
considered as a module over itself,
is R
's topology.
The topology on a topological semiring R
agrees with the module topology when considering
as an R
-module in the obvious way (i.e., via Semiring.toModule
The module topology coming from the action of the topological ring Rᵐᵒᵖ
on R
(via Semiring.toOppositeModule
, i.e. via (op r) • m = m * r
) is R
's topology.
Every R
-linear map between two topological R
-modules, where the source has the module
topology, is continuous.
A linear surjection between modules with the module topology is a quotient map. Equivalently, the pushforward of the module topology along a surjective linear map is again the module topology.
The product of the module topologies for two modules over a topological ring is the module topology.
The product of the module topologies for a finite family of modules over a topological ring is the module topology.
If n
is finite and B
are R
-modules with the module topology,
then any bilinear map Rⁿ × B → C
is automatically continuous.
Note that whilst this result works for semirings, for rings this result is superceded
by IsModuleTopology.continuous_bilinear_of_finite_left
If A
, B
and C
have the module topology, and if furthermore A
is a finite R
then any bilinear map A × B → C
is automatically continuous
If A
, B
and C
have the module topology, and if furthermore B
is a finite R
then any bilinear map A × B → C
is automatically continuous
If D
is an R
-algebra, finite as an R
-module, and if D
has the module topology,
then multiplication on D
is automatically continuous.
If R
is a topological ring and D
is an R
-algebra, finite as an R
and if D
is given the module topology, then D
is a topological ring.