Lemmas about liminf and limsup in an order topology. #
Main declarations #
: Typeclass stating that neighborhoods are eventually bounded above.BoundedGENhdsClass
: Typeclass stating that neighborhoods are eventually bounded below.
Implementation notes #
The same lemmas are true in ℝ
, ℝ × ℝ
, ι → ℝ
, EuclideanSpace ι ℝ
. To avoid code
duplication, we provide an ad hoc axiomatisation of the properties we need.
Ad hoc typeclass stating that neighborhoods are eventually bounded above.
- isBounded_le_nhds (a : α) : Filter.IsBounded (fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 ≤ x2) (nhds a)
Ad hoc typeclass stating that neighborhoods are eventually bounded below.
- isBounded_ge_nhds (a : α) : Filter.IsBounded (fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 ≥ x2) (nhds a)
If the liminf and the limsup of a filter coincide, then this filter converges to their common value, at least if the filter is eventually bounded above and below.
If a filter is converging, its limsup coincides with its limit.
If a filter is converging, its liminf coincides with its limit.
If a function has a limit, then its limsup coincides with its limit.
If a function has a limit, then its liminf coincides with its limit.
If the liminf and the limsup of a function coincide, then the limit of the function exists and has the same value.
If a number a
is less than or equal to the liminf
of a function f
at some filter
and is greater than or equal to the limsup
of f
, then f
tends to a
along this filter.
Assume that, for any a < b
, a sequence can not be infinitely many times below a
above b
. If it is also ultimately bounded above and below, then it has to converge. This even
works if a
and b
are restricted to a dense subset.
An antitone function between (conditionally) complete linear ordered spaces sends a
to the Filter.liminf
of the image if the function is continuous at the limsSup
(and the filter is bounded from above and frequently bounded from below).
A continuous antitone function between (conditionally) complete linear ordered spaces sends a
to the Filter.liminf
of the images (if the filter is bounded from above and
frequently bounded from below).
An antitone function between (conditionally) complete linear ordered spaces sends a
to the Filter.limsup
of the image if the function is continuous at the limsInf
(and the filter is bounded from below and frequently bounded from above).
A continuous antitone function between (conditionally) complete linear ordered spaces sends a
to the Filter.limsup
of the images (if the filter is bounded from below and
frequently bounded from above).
A monotone function between (conditionally) complete linear ordered spaces sends a
to the Filter.limsup
of the image if the function is continuous at the limsSup
(and the filter is bounded from above and frequently bounded from below).
A continuous monotone function between (conditionally) complete linear ordered spaces sends a
to the Filter.limsup
of the images (if the filter is bounded from above and
frequently bounded from below).
A monotone function between (conditionally) complete linear ordered spaces sends a
to the Filter.liminf
of the image if the function is continuous at the limsInf
(and the filter is bounded from below and frequently bounded from above).
A continuous monotone function between (conditionally) complete linear ordered spaces sends a
to the Filter.liminf
of the images (if the filter is bounded from below and
frequently bounded from above).
liminf (c + xᵢ) = c + liminf xᵢ
limsup (xᵢ + c) = (limsup xᵢ) + c
liminf (c + xᵢ) = c + liminf xᵢ
liminf (xᵢ + c) = (liminf xᵢ) + c
limsup (c - xᵢ) = c - liminf xᵢ
limsup (xᵢ - c) = (limsup xᵢ) - c
liminf (c - xᵢ) = c - limsup xᵢ
liminf (xᵢ - c) = (liminf xᵢ) - c