

Topologically nilpotent elements #

Let M be a monoid with zero M, endowed with a topology.

Let R be a commutative ring with a linear topology.

These lemmas are actually deduced from their analogues for commuting elements of rings.

An element is topologically nilpotent if its powers converge to 0.

Instances For
    theorem {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace R] [MonoidWithZero R] [MonoidWithZero S] [TopologicalSpace S] {F : Type u_3} [FunLike F R S] [MonoidWithZeroHomClass F R S] {φ : F} (hφ : Continuous φ) {a : R} (ha : IsTopologicallyNilpotent a) :

    The image of a topologically nilpotent element under a continuous morphism is topologically nilpotent

    theorem IsTopologicallyNilpotent.exists_pow_mem_of_mem_nhds {R : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace R] [MonoidWithZero R] {a : R} (ha : IsTopologicallyNilpotent a) {v : Set R} (hv : v nhds 0) :
    ∃ (n : ), a ^ n v

    If a and b commute and a is topologically nilpotent, then a * b is topologically nilpotent.

    If a and b commute and b is topologically nilpotent, then a * b is topologically nilpotent.

    If a and b are topologically nilpotent and commute, then a + b is topologically nilpotent.

    If a is topologically nilpotent, then a * b is topologically nilpotent.

    If b is topologically nilpotent, then a * b is topologically nilpotent.

    If a and b are topologically nilpotent, then a + b is topologically nilpotent.