

Approximate units #

An approximate unit is a filter l such that multiplication on the left (or right) by m : α tends to 𝓝 m along the filter, and additionally l ≠ ⊥.

Examples of approximate units include:

structure Filter.IsApproximateUnit {α : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace α] [Mul α] (l : Filter α) :

An approximate unit is a proper filter (i.e., ≠ ⊥) such that multiplication on the left (and separately on the right) by m : α tends to 𝓝 m along the filter.

  • tendsto_mul_left (m : α) : Tendsto (fun (x : α) => m * x) l (nhds m)

    Multiplication on the left by m tends to 𝓝 m along the filter.

  • tendsto_mul_right (m : α) : Tendsto (fun (x : α) => x * m) l (nhds m)

    Multiplication on the right by m tends to 𝓝 m along the filter.

  • neBot : l.NeBot

    The filter is not .

Instances For

    A unital magma with a topology and bornology has the trivial approximate unit pure 1.

    theorem Filter.IsApproximateUnit.mono {α : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace α] [MulOneClass α] {l l' : Filter α} (hl : l.IsApproximateUnit) (hle : l' l) [hl' : l'.NeBot] :

    If l is an approximate unit and ⊥ < l' ≤ l, then l' is also an approximate unit.

    In a topological unital magma, 𝓝 1 is an approximate unit.

    In a topological unital magma, 𝓝 1 is the largest approximate unit.

    In a topological unital magma, 𝓝 1 is the largest approximate unit.