

Effective epimorphisms in CompHaus #

This file proves that EffectiveEpi, Epi and Surjective are all equivalent in CompHaus. As a consequence we deduce from the material in Mathlib.Topology.Category.CompHausLike.EffectiveEpi that CompHaus is Preregular and Precoherent.

We also prove that for a finite family of morphisms in CompHaus with fixed target, the conditions jointly surjective, jointly epimorphic and effective epimorphic are all equivalent.

Projects #

theorem CompHaus.effectiveEpiFamily_tfae {α : Type} [Finite α] {B : CompHaus} (X : αCompHaus) (π : (a : α) → X a B) :
theorem CompHaus.effectiveEpiFamily_of_jointly_surjective {α : Type} [Finite α] {B : CompHaus} (X : αCompHaus) (π : (a : α) → X a B) (surj : ∀ (b : B.toTop), ∃ (a : α) (x : (X a).toTop), (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom (π a)) x = b) :