

Delta-generated topological spaces #

This file defines delta-generated spaces, as topological spaces whose topology is coinduced by all maps from euclidean spaces into them. This is the strongest topological property that holds for all CW-complexes and is closed under quotients and disjoint unions; every delta-generated space is locally path-connected, sequential and in particular compactly generated.


Adapted from Mathlib.Topology.Compactness.CompactlyGeneratedSpace.


The topology coinduced by all maps from ℝⁿ into a space.

Instances For

    The delta-generated topology is also coinduced by a single map out of a sigma type.

    The delta-generated topology is at least as fine as the original one.

    theorem isOpen_deltaGenerated_iff {X : Type u_1} [tX : TopologicalSpace X] {u : Set X} :
    IsOpen u ∀ (n : ) (p : C(Fin n, X)), IsOpen (p ⁻¹' u)

    A set is open in deltaGenerated X iff all its preimages under continuous functions ℝⁿ → X are open.

    A space is delta-generated if its topology is equal to the delta-generated topology, i.e. coinduced by all continuous maps ℝⁿ → X. Since the delta-generated topology is always finer than the original one, it suffices to show that it is also coarser.

      theorem DeltaGeneratedSpace.isOpen_iff {X : Type u_1} [tX : TopologicalSpace X] [DeltaGeneratedSpace X] {u : Set X} :
      IsOpen u ∀ (n : ) (p : C(Fin n, X)), IsOpen (p ⁻¹' u)

      A subset of a delta-generated space is open iff its preimage is open for every continuous map from ℝⁿ to X.

      theorem DeltaGeneratedSpace.continuous_iff {X : Type u_1} {Y : Type u_2} [tX : TopologicalSpace X] [tY : TopologicalSpace Y] [DeltaGeneratedSpace X] {f : XY} :
      Continuous f ∀ (n : ) (p : C(Fin n, X)), Continuous (f p)

      A map out of a delta-generated space is continuous iff it preserves continuity of maps from ℝⁿ into X.

      theorem continuous_to_deltaGenerated {X : Type u_1} {Y : Type u_2} [tX : TopologicalSpace X] [tY : TopologicalSpace Y] [DeltaGeneratedSpace X] {f : XY} :

      A map out of a delta-generated space is continuous iff it is continuous with respect to the delta-generated topology on the codomain.

      The delta-generated topology on X does in fact turn X into a delta-generated space.

      def DeltaGeneratedSpace.of (X : Type u_3) :
      Type u_3

      Type synonym to be equipped with the delta-generated topology.

      Instances For
        def DeltaGeneratedSpace.counit {X : Type u_1} :
        of XX

        The natural map from DeltaGeneratedSpace.of X to X.

        Instances For

          Delta-generated spaces are locally path-connected.

          Delta-generated spaces are sequential.

          theorem DeltaGeneratedSpace.coinduced {X : Type u_1} {Y : Type u_2} [tX : TopologicalSpace X] [DeltaGeneratedSpace X] (f : XY) :

          Any topology coinduced by a delta-generated topology is delta-generated.

          theorem DeltaGeneratedSpace.iSup {X : Type u_3} {ι : Sort u_4} {t : ιTopologicalSpace X} (h : ∀ (i : ι), DeltaGeneratedSpace X) :

          Suprema of delta-generated topologies are delta-generated.

          Suprema of delta-generated topologies are delta-generated.

          Quotients of delta-generated spaces are delta-generated.

          instance Quot.deltaGeneratedSpace {X : Type u_1} [tX : TopologicalSpace X] [DeltaGeneratedSpace X] {r : XXProp} :

          Quotients of delta-generated spaces are delta-generated.

          Quotients of delta-generated spaces are delta-generated.

          Disjoint unions of delta-generated spaces are delta-generated.

          instance Sigma.deltaGeneratedSpace {ι : Type u_3} {X : ιType u_4} [(i : ι) → TopologicalSpace (X i)] [∀ (i : ι), DeltaGeneratedSpace (X i)] :
          DeltaGeneratedSpace ((i : ι) × X i)

          Disjoint unions of delta-generated spaces are delta-generated.