Derived set #
This file defines the derived set of a set, the set of all AccPt
s of its principal filter,
and proves some properties of it.
{X : Type u_1}
[TopologicalSpace X]
{β : Type u_2}
[TopologicalSpace β]
{F : Filter X}
{x : X}
(h : AccPt x F)
{f : X → β}
(hf1 : ContinuousAt f x)
(hf2 : Function.Injective f)
AccPt (f x) ( f F)
The derived set of a set is the set of all accumulation points of it.
- derivedSet A = {x : X | AccPt x (Filter.principal A)}
Instances For
{X : Type u_1}
[TopologicalSpace X]
{β : Type u_2}
[TopologicalSpace β]
{A : Set X}
{f : X → β}
(hf1 : Continuous f)
(hf2 : Function.Injective f)
In a T1Space
, the derivedSet
of the closure of a set is equal to the derived set of the
set itself.
Note: this doesn't hold in a space with the indiscrete topology. For example, if X
is a type with
two elements, x
and y
, and A := {x}
, then closure A = Set.univ
and derivedSet A = {y}
but derivedSet Set.univ = Set.univ
{X : Type u_1}
[TopologicalSpace X]
[T1Space X]
(A : Set X)
IsClosed (derivedSet A)
{X : Type u_1}
[TopologicalSpace X]
[T1Space X]
{U : Set X}
(hs : IsPreconnected U)
(a b : Set X)
(h : U ⊆ a ∪ b)
(ha : (U ∩ derivedSet a).Nonempty)
(hb : (U ∩ derivedSet b).Nonempty)
(U ∩ (derivedSet a ∩ derivedSet b)).Nonempty