

Discrete subsets of topological spaces #

This file contains various additional properties of discrete subsets of topological spaces.

Discreteness and compact sets #

Given a topological space X together with a subset s โŠ† X, there are two distinct concepts of "discreteness" which may hold. These are: (i) Every point of s is isolated (i.e., the subset topology induced on s is the discrete topology). (ii) Every compact subset of X meets s only finitely often (i.e., the inclusion map s โ†’ X tends to the cocompact filter along the cofinite filter on s).

When s is closed, the two conditions are equivalent provided X is locally compact and T1, see IsClosed.tendsto_coe_cofinite_iff.

Main statements #

Co-discrete open sets #

We define the filter Filter.codiscreteWithin S, which is the supremum of all ๐“[S \ {x}] x. This is the filter of all open codiscrete sets within S. We also define Filter.codiscrete as Filter.codiscreteWithin univ, which is the filter of all open codiscrete sets in the space.

theorem tendsto_cofinite_cocompact_iff {X : Type u_1} {Y : Type u_2} [TopologicalSpace Y] {f : X โ†’ Y} :

Criterion for a subset S โŠ† X to be closed and discrete in terms of the punctured neighbourhood filter at an arbitrary point of X. (Compare discreteTopology_subtype_iff.)

The filter of sets with no accumulation points inside a set S : Set X, implemented as the supremum over all punctured neighborhoods within S.

Instances For
    theorem Filter.codiscreteWithin.mono {X : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace X] {Uโ‚ U : Set X} (hU : Uโ‚ โŠ† U) :

    If a set is codiscrete within U, then it is codiscrete within any subset of U.

    If s is codiscrete within U, then sแถœ โˆฉ U has discrete topology.

    In any topological space, the open sets with discrete complement form a filter, defined as the supremum of all punctured neighborhoods.

    See Filter.mem_codiscrete' for the equivalence.

    Instances For