A map is proper iff preimage of compact sets are compact #
This file proves that if Y
is a Hausdorff and compactly generated space, a continuous map
f : X → Y
is proper if and only if preimage of compact sets are compact.
{X : Type u_1}
{Y : Type u_2}
[TopologicalSpace X]
[TopologicalSpace Y]
[T2Space Y]
[CompactlyGeneratedSpace Y]
{f : X → Y}
If Y
is Hausdorff and compactly generated, then proper maps X → Y
are exactly
continuous maps such that the preimage of any compact set is compact. This is in particular true
if Y
is Hausdorff and sequential or locally compact.
There was an older version of this theorem which was changed to this one to make use
of the CompactlyGeneratedSpace
typeclass. (since 2024-11-10)
{X : Type u_1}
{Y : Type u_2}
[TopologicalSpace X]
[TopologicalSpace Y]
[T2Space Y]
[CompactlyGeneratedSpace Y]
{f : X → Y}
Version of isProperMap_iff_isCompact_preimage
in terms of cocompact
There was an older version of this theorem which was changed to this one to make use
of the CompactlyGeneratedSpace
typeclass. (since 2024-11-10)