Lower and Upper topology #
This file introduces the lower topology on a preorder as the topology generated by the complements of the left-closed right-infinite intervals.
For completeness we also introduce the dual upper topology, generated by the complements of the right-closed left-infinite intervals.
Main statements #
- the lower topology on a partial order is T₀IsLower.isTopologicalBasis
- the complements of the upper closures of finite subsets form a basis for the lower topologyIsLower.continuousInf
- the inf map is continuous with respect to the lower topology
Implementation notes #
A type synonym WithLower
is introduced and for a preorder α
, WithLower α
is made an instance of TopologicalSpace
by the topology generated by the complements of the
closed intervals to infinity.
We define a mixin class IsLower
for the class of types which are both a preorder and a
topology and where the topology is generated by the complements of the closed intervals to infinity.
It is shown that WithLower α
is an instance of IsLower
Similarly for the upper topology.
Motivation #
The lower topology is used with the Scott
topology to define the Lawson topology. The restriction
of the lower topology to the spectrum of a complete lattice coincides with the hull-kernel topology.
References #
- [Gierz et al, A Compendium of Continuous Lattices][GierzEtAl1980]
Tags #
lower topology, upper topology, preorder
The lower topology is the topology generated by the complements of the left-closed right-infinite intervals.
Instances For
The upper topology is the topology generated by the complements of the right-closed left-infinite intervals.
Instances For
Type synonym for a preorder equipped with the lower set topology.
- Topology.WithLower α = α
Instances For
Alias of Topology.WithLower.toLower_symm
Alias of Topology.WithLower.ofLower_symm
Type synonym for a preorder equipped with the upper topology.
- Topology.WithUpper α = α
Instances For
Alias of Topology.WithUpper.toUpper_symm
Alias of Topology.WithUpper.ofUpper_symm
The lower topology is the topology generated by the complements of the left-closed right-infinite intervals.
The upper topology is the topology generated by the complements of the right-closed left-infinite intervals.
The lower topology is homeomorphic to the upper topology on the dual order
- Topology.WithLower.toDualHomeomorph = { toFun := ⇑OrderDual.toDual, invFun := ⇑OrderDual.ofDual, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯, continuous_toFun := ⋯, continuous_invFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
The complements of the upper closures of finite sets are a collection of lower sets which form a basis for the lower topology.
Instances For
If α
is equipped with the lower topology, then it is homeomorphic to WithLower α
Instances For
Left-closed right-infinite intervals [a, ∞) are closed in the lower topology.
The upper closure of a finite set is closed in the lower topology.
Every set open in the lower topology is a lower set.
A function f : β → α
with lower topology in the codomain is continuous
if and only if the preimage of every interval Set.Ici a
is a closed set.
The lower topology on a partial order is T₀.
The complements of the lower closures of finite sets are a collection of upper sets which form a basis for the upper topology.
Instances For
If α
is equipped with the upper topology, then it is homeomorphic to WithUpper α
Instances For
Left-infinite right-closed intervals (-∞,a] are closed in the upper topology.
The lower closure of a finite set is closed in the upper topology.
Every set open in the upper topology is a upper set.
A function f : β → α
with upper topology in the codomain is continuous
if and only if the preimage of every interval Set.Iic a
is a closed set.
The upper topology on a partial order is T₀.
The Sierpiński topology on Prop
is the upper topology