Model implementations of tree map functions #
General infrastructure #
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.contains' k Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.leaf = false
Instances For
General tree-traversal function. Internal implementation detail of the tree map
Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.applyPartition.go k l f ll Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.leaf hm_2 rr = f ll Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell.empty ⋯ rr
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.applyCell k Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.leaf f_2 = f_2 Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell.empty Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.applyCell.proof_5
Instances For
Data structure used by the general tree-traversal function explore
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- lt
{α : Type u}
{β : α → Type v}
[Ord α]
{k : α → Ordering}
(a : α)
: k a = → β a → List ((a : α) × β a) → ExplorationStep α β k
Needle was less than key at this node: return key-value pair and unexplored right subtree, recusion will continue in left subtree.
- eq
{α : Type u}
{β : α → Type v}
[Ord α]
{k : α → Ordering}
: List ((a : α) × β a) → Cell α β k → List ((a : α) × β a) → ExplorationStep α β k
Needle was equal to key at this node: return key-value pair and both unexplored subtrees, recursion will terminate.
- gt
{α : Type u}
{β : α → Type v}
[Ord α]
{k : α → Ordering}
: List ((a : α) × β a) → (a : α) → k a = → β a → ExplorationStep α β k
Needle was larger than key at this node: return key-value pair and unexplored left subtree, recusion will containue in right subtree.
Instances For
General tree-traversal function. Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.explore k init inner Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.leaf = inner init (Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.ExplorationStep.eq [] Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell.empty [])
Instances For
General "update the mapping for a given key" function. Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Model functions #
Model implementation of the get?
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Model implementation of the get
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
Instances For
Model implementation of the get!
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
Instances For
Model implementation of the getD
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.getDₘ k l fallback = (l.get?ₘ k).getD fallback
Instances For
Model implementation of the getKeyD
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.getKeyDₘ k l fallback = (l.getKey?ₘ k).getD fallback
Instances For
Model implementation of the insert
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.insertₘ k v l h = (Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.updateCell k (fun (x : Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell α β (compare k)) => Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell.of k v) l h).impl
Instances For
Model implementation of the erase
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.eraseₘ k t h = (Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.updateCell k (fun (x : Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell α β (compare k)) => Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell.empty) t h).impl
Instances For
Model implementation of the insertIfNew
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Model implementation of the alter
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.alterₘ k f t h = (Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.updateCell k (fun (x : Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell α β (compare k)) => Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Cell.alter f x) t h).impl
Instances For
Model implementation of the getD
Internal implementation detail of the tree map
- Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.Const.getDₘ l k fallback = (Std.DTreeMap.Internal.Impl.Const.get?ₘ l k).getD fallback
Instances For
Model implementation of the alter
Internal implementation detail of the tree map