This is an internal implementation file of the hash map. Users of the hash map should not rely on the contents of this file.
File contents: Verification of associative lists
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getEntry? a [] = none
- Std.Internal.List.getEntry? a (⟨k, v⟩ :: l) = bif k == a then some ⟨k, v⟩ else Std.Internal.List.getEntry? a l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getValue? a [] = none
- Std.Internal.List.getValue? a (⟨k, v⟩ :: l) = bif k == a then some v else Std.Internal.List.getValue? a l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getValueCast? a [] = none
- Std.Internal.List.getValueCast? a (⟨k, v⟩ :: l) = if h : (k == a) = true then some (cast ⋯ v) else Std.Internal.List.getValueCast? a l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.containsKey a [] = false
- Std.Internal.List.containsKey a (⟨k, v⟩ :: l) = (k == a || Std.Internal.List.containsKey a l)
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getEntry a l h = (Std.Internal.List.getEntry? a l).get ⋯
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getValue a l h = (Std.Internal.List.getValue? a l).get ⋯
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getValueCast a l h = (Std.Internal.List.getValueCast? a l).get ⋯
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getValueCastD a l fallback = (Std.Internal.List.getValueCast? a l).getD fallback
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getValueD a l fallback = (Std.Internal.List.getValue? a l).getD fallback
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getKey? a [] = none
- Std.Internal.List.getKey? a (⟨k, v⟩ :: l) = bif k == a then some k else Std.Internal.List.getKey? a l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getKey a l h = (Std.Internal.List.getKey? a l).get ⋯
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.getKeyD a l fallback = (Std.Internal.List.getKey? a l).getD fallback
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.replaceEntry k v [] = []
- Std.Internal.List.replaceEntry k v (⟨k_1, v_1⟩ :: l) = bif k_1 == k then ⟨k, v⟩ :: l else ⟨k_1, v_1⟩ :: Std.Internal.List.replaceEntry k v l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.eraseKey k [] = []
- Std.Internal.List.eraseKey k (⟨k_1, v⟩ :: l) = bif k_1 == k then l else ⟨k_1, v⟩ :: Std.Internal.List.eraseKey k l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.insertEntry k v l = bif Std.Internal.List.containsKey k l then Std.Internal.List.replaceEntry k v l else ⟨k, v⟩ :: l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.insertEntryIfNew k v l = bif Std.Internal.List.containsKey k l then l else ⟨k, v⟩ :: l
Instances For
This is a restatement of containsKey_insertEntryIfNew
that is written to exactly match the proof
obligation in the statement of getValueCast_insertEntryIfNew
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.insertList l [] = l
- Std.Internal.List.insertList l (⟨k, v⟩ :: l_1) = Std.Internal.List.insertList (Std.Internal.List.insertEntry k v l) l_1
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.Prod.toSigma p = ⟨p.fst, p.snd⟩
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.insertListConst l toInsert = Std.Internal.List.insertList l ( Std.Internal.List.Prod.toSigma toInsert)
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.alterKey k f l = match f (Std.Internal.List.getValueCast? k l) with | none => Std.Internal.List.eraseKey k l | some v => Std.Internal.List.insertEntry k v l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.Const.alterKey k f l = match f (Std.Internal.List.getValue? k l) with | none => Std.Internal.List.eraseKey k l | some v => Std.Internal.List.insertEntry k v l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.modifyKey k f l = match Std.Internal.List.getValueCast? k l with | none => l | some v => Std.Internal.List.replaceEntry k (f v) l
Instances For
Internal implementation detail of the hash map
- Std.Internal.List.Const.modifyKey k f l = match Std.Internal.List.getValue? k l with | none => l | some v => Std.Internal.List.replaceEntry k (f v) l