2 Chang’s lemma

Definition 2.1 Dissociation

We say that \(A\subseteq G\) is dissociated if, for any \(m\geq 1\), and any \(x\in G\), there is at most one \(A'\subset A\) of size \(\left\lvert A'\right\rvert =m\) such that

\[ \sum _{a\in A'}a=x. \]
Lemma 2.2 Rudin’s exponential inequality

If the discrete Fourier transform of \(f : G \longrightarrow \mathbb {C}\) has dissociated support, then

\[ \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits \exp (\Re f) \le \exp \left(\frac{\lVert f\rVert _2^2}2\right) \]

It follows that

\[ \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits _x e^{\left\lvert f(x)\right\rvert } \le 2e^{\| f\| _2^2/2}. \]

Using the convexity of \(t\mapsto e^{tx}\) (for all \(x\geq 0\) and \(t\in [-1,1]\)) we have

\[ e^{tx}\le \cosh (x)+t\sinh (x). \]

It follows (taking \(x=\lvert z\rvert \) and \(t=\Re (z)/\lvert z\rvert \)) that, for any \(z\in \mathbb {C}\),

\[ e^{\Re z}\le \cosh \lvert z\rvert +\Re (z/\lvert z\rvert )\sinh \lvert z\rvert . \]

In particular, if \(c_\gamma \in \mathbb {C}\) with \(\lvert c_\gamma \rvert =1\) is such that \(\widehat{f}(\gamma )=c_\gamma \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert \), then

\begin{align*} e^{\Re f(x)} & = \exp \left( \Re \sum _{\gamma \in \Gamma }\widehat{f}(\gamma )\gamma (x)\right)\\ & =\prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma } \exp \left( \Re \widehat{f}(\gamma )\gamma (x)\right)\\ & \le \prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma }\left( \cosh \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert +\Re c_\gamma \gamma (x)\sinh \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert \right). \end{align*}


\[ \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits _x e^{\Re f(x)}\le \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits _x \prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma } \left( \cosh \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert +\Re c_\gamma \gamma (x)\sinh \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert \right). \]

Using \(\Re z=(z+\overline{z})/2\) the product here can be expanded as the sum of

\[ \prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma _2}\frac{c_\gamma }{2}\prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma _3}\frac{\overline{c_\gamma }}{2}\left(\prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma _1}\cosh \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert \right)\left(\prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma _2\cup \Gamma _3}\sinh \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert \right)\left(\sum _{\gamma \in \Gamma _2}\gamma -\sum _{\lambda \in \Gamma _3}\lambda \right)(x) \]

as \(\Gamma _1\sqcup \Gamma _2\sqcup \Gamma _3=\Gamma \) ranges over all partitions of \(\Gamma \) into three disjoint parts. Using the definition of dissociativity we see that

\[ \sum _{\gamma \in \Gamma _2}\gamma -\sum _{\lambda \in \Gamma _3}\lambda \neq 0 \]

unless \(\Gamma _2=\Gamma _3=\emptyset \). In particular summing this term over all \(x\in G\) gives \(0\). Therefore the only term that survives averaging over \(x\) is when \(\Gamma _1=\Gamma \), and so

\[ \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits _x e^{\Re f(x)}\le \prod _{\gamma \in \Gamma } \cosh \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert . \]

The conclusion now follows using \(\cosh (x) \le e^{x^2/2}\) and \(\sum _{\gamma \in \Gamma }\lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert ^2=\| f\| _2^2\). The second conclusion follows by applying it to \(f(x)\) and \(-f(x)\) and using

\[ e^{\left\lvert y\right\rvert }\le e^y+e^{-y}. \]
Lemma 2.3 Rudin’s inequality

If the discrete Fourier transform of \(f : G \longrightarrow \mathbb {C}\) has dissociated support and \(p \ge 2\) is an integer, then \(\lVert f\rVert _p \le 4\sqrt{pe} \lVert f\rVert _2\).


It is enough to show that \(\lVert \Re f\rVert _p \le 2\sqrt{pe} \lVert f\rVert _2\) as then

\[ \lVert f\rVert _p \le \lVert \Re f\rVert _p + \lVert i \Im f\rVert _p = \lVert \Re f\rVert _p + \lVert \Re (-if)\rVert _p \le 4\sqrt{pe} \lVert f\rVert _2 \]

If \(f = 0\), the result is obvious. So assume \(f \ne 0\). \(\lVert f\rVert _2 {\gt} 0\), so WLOG \(\lVert f\rVert _2 = \sqrt p\).

Rudin’s exponential inequality for \(f\) becomes \( \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits \exp |\Re f| \le 2\exp (\frac p2) = (2\sqrt e)^p\). Using \(\frac{x^p}{p!} \le e^x\) for positive \(x\), we get

\[ \frac{\lVert \Re f\rVert _p^p}{p^p} \le \frac{\lVert \Re f\rVert _p^p}{p!} = \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits \frac{|\Re f|^p}{p!} \le \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits \exp |\Re f| \]

Rearranging, \(\lVert \Re f\rVert _p \le 2 p\sqrt{e} = 2 \sqrt{pe} \lVert f\rVert _2\).

Definition 2.4 Large spectrum

Let \(G\) be a finite abelian group and \(f:G\to \mathbb {C}\). Let \(\eta \in \mathbb {R}\). The \(\eta \)-large spectrum is defined to be

\[ \Delta _\eta (f) = \{ \gamma \in \widehat{G} : \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert \geq \eta \lVert f\rVert _1\} . \]
Definition 2.5 Weighted energy

Let \(\Delta \subseteq \widehat{G}\) and \(m\geq 1\). Let \(\nu :G\to \mathbb {C}\). Then

\[ E_{2m}(\Delta ;\nu )=\sum _{\gamma _1,\ldots ,\gamma _{2m}\in \Delta }\left\lvert \widehat{\nu }(\gamma _1+\cdots -\gamma _{2m})\right\rvert . \]
Definition 2.6 Energy

Let \(G\) be a finite abelian group and \(A\subseteq G\). Let \(m\geq 1\). We define

\[ E_{2m}(A)=\sum _{a_1,\ldots ,a_{2m}\in A}1_{a_1+\cdots -a_{2m}=0}. \]
Lemma 2.7

Let \(G\) be a finite abelian group and \(f:G\to \mathbb {C}\). Let \(\nu :G\to \mathbb {R}_{\geq 0}\) be such that whenever \(\left\lvert f\right\rvert \neq 0\) we have \(\nu \geq 1\). Let \(\Delta \subseteq \Delta _\eta (f)\). Then, for any \(m\geq 1\).

\[ \eta ^{2m}\frac{\lVert f\rVert _1^2}{\lVert f\rVert _2^2}\left\lvert \Delta \right\rvert ^{2m}\le E_{2m}(\Delta ;\nu ). \]

By definition of \(\Delta _\eta (f)\) we know that

\[ \eta \lVert f\rVert _1\left\lvert \Delta \right\rvert \le \sum _{\gamma \in \Delta } \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert . \]

There exists some \(c_\gamma \in \mathbb {C}\) with \(\lvert c_\gamma \rvert =1\) for all \(\gamma \) such that

\[ \lvert \widehat{f}(\gamma )\rvert =c_\gamma \widehat{f}(\gamma )=c_\gamma \sum _{x\in G}f(x)\overline{\gamma (x)}. \]

Interchanging the sums, therefore,

\[ \eta \lVert f\rVert _1\left\lvert \Delta \right\rvert \le \sum _{x\in G}f(x)\sum _{\gamma \in \Delta } c_\gamma \overline{\gamma (x)}. \]

By Hölder’s inequality the right-hand side is at most

\[ \left( \sum _x \left\lvert f(x)\right\rvert \right)^{1-1/m}\left( \sum _x \left\lvert f(x)\right\rvert \left\lvert \sum _{\gamma \in \Delta }c_\gamma \overline{\gamma (x)}\right\rvert ^m\right)^{1/m}. \]

Taking \(m\)th powers, therefore, we have

\[ \eta ^m\left\lvert \Delta \right\rvert ^m\lVert f\rVert _1\le \sum _{x}\left\lvert f(x)\right\rvert \left\lvert \sum _{\gamma \in \Delta }c_\gamma \overline{\gamma (x)}\right\rvert ^m. \]

By assumption we can bound \(\left\lvert f(x)\right\rvert \le \left\lvert f(x)\right\rvert \nu (x)^{1/2}\), and therefore by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality the right-hand side is bounded above by

\[ \lVert f\rVert _2\left( \sum _x \nu (x)\left\lvert \sum _{\gamma \in \Delta }c_\gamma \overline{\gamma (x)}\right\rvert ^{2m}\right)^{1/2}. \]

Squaring and simplifying, we deduce that

\[ \eta ^{2m}\left\lvert \Delta \right\rvert ^{2m}\frac{\lVert f\rVert _1^2}{\lVert f\rVert _2^2}\le \sum _x \nu (x)\left\lvert \sum _{\gamma \in \Delta }c_\gamma \overline{\gamma (x)}\right\rvert ^{2m}. \]

Expanding out the power, the right-hand side is equal to

\[ \sum _x \nu (x)\sum _{\gamma _1,\ldots ,\gamma _{2m}}c_{\gamma _1}\cdots \overline{c_{\gamma _{2m}}} (\overline{\gamma _1}\cdots \gamma _{2m})(x). \]

Changing the order of summation this is equal to

\[ \sum _{\gamma _1,\ldots ,\gamma _{2m}}c_{\gamma _1}\cdots \overline{c_{\gamma _{2m}}} \widehat{\nu }(\gamma _1\cdots \overline{\gamma _{2m}}). \]

The result follows by the triangle inequality.

Lemma 2.8

Let \(G\) be a finite abelian group and \(f:G\to \mathbb {C}\). Let \(\Delta \subseteq \Delta _\eta (f)\). Then, for any \(m\geq 1\).

\[ N^{-1}\eta ^{2m}\frac{\lVert f\rVert _1^2}{\lVert f\rVert _2^2}\left\lvert \Delta \right\rvert ^{2m}\le E_{2m}(\Delta ). \]

Apply Lemma 2.7 with \(\nu \equiv 1\), and use the fact that \(\sum _x \lambda (x)\) is \(N\) if \(\lambda \equiv 1\) and \(0\) otherwise.

Lemma 2.9

If \(A\subset G\) and \(m\geq 1\) then

\[ E_{2m}(A) = \sum _x 1_A^{(m)}(x)^2. \]

Expand out definitions.

Lemma 2.10

If \(A\subseteq G\) is dissociated then \(E_{2m}(A) \le (32e m \left\lvert A\right\rvert )^m\).


By Lemma 2.9 and Lemma 2.3

\begin{align*} E_{2m}(A) & = \mathop{ \mathchoice {\vcenter {\hbox{{\@tempdima +4\p@ \@tempdima 2.0002\@tempdima \divide \@tempdima \p@ \@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdimb \f@size \p@ \def\@tempa {1.09545}\@whilenum {\@tempcnta {\gt}\z@ }\do {\advance \m@ne \@tempdimb 1.09545\@tempdimb }\PackageWarning{relsize}{Font size ??? is too small.\MessageBreak Using 999pt instead}\@tempdimb =999pt\def\@tempa {\relax }\@tempdima -\@m \p@ \let\rs@size \rs@lookup \@tempdima 100\@tempdima }\relax $\mathbb {E}$}}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} {\kern 0pt\mathbb {E}} }\displaylimits _\gamma \left\lvert \hat1_A(\gamma )\right\rvert ^{2m} \\ & = \lVert \hat1_A\rVert _{2m}^{2m} \\ & \le (4\sqrt{2em})^{2m} \lVert \hat1_A\rVert _2^{2m} \\ & = (32em)^m \lVert 1_A\rVert _2^{2m} \\ & = (32em)^m \left\lvert A\right\rvert ^m \end{align*}
Lemma 2.11

If \(A\subseteq G\) contains no dissociated set with \(\geq K+1\) elements then there is \(A'\subseteq A\) of size \(\left\lvert A'\right\rvert \le K\) such that

\[ A\subseteq \left\{ \sum _{a\in A'}c_aa : c_a\in \{ -1,0,1\} \right\} . \]

Let \(A'\subseteq A\) be a maximal dissociated subset (this exists and is non-empty, since trivially any singleton is dissociated). We have \(\left\lvert A'\right\rvert \le K\) by assumption.

Let \(S\) be the span on the right-hand side. It is obvious that \(A'\subseteq S\). Suppose that \(x\in A\backslash A'\). Then \(A'\cup \{ x\} \) is not dissociated by maximality. Therefore there exists some \(y\in G\) and two distinct sets \(B,C\subseteq A'\cup \{ x\} \) such that

\[ \sum _{b\in B}b = y = \sum _{c\in C} c. \]

If \(x\not\in B\) and \(x\not\in C\) then this contradicts the dissociativity of \(A'\). If \(x\in B\) and \(x\in C\) then we have

\[ \sum _{b\in B\backslash x}b=y-x=\sum _{c\in C\backslash x}c, \]

again contradicting the dissociativity of \(A'\). Without loss of generality, therefore, \(x\in B\) and \(x\not\in C\). Therefore

\[ x=\sum _{c\in C}c - \sum _{b\in B\backslash x}b \]

which is in the span as required.

Theorem 2.12 Chang’s lemma

Let \(G\) be a finite abelian group and \(f:G\to \mathbb {C}\). Let \(\eta {\gt}0\) and \(\alpha =N^{-1}\lVert f\rVert _1^2/\lVert f\rVert _2^2\). There exists some \(\Delta \subseteq \Delta _\eta (f)\) such that

\[ \left\lvert \Delta \right\rvert \le \lceil e\mathcal{L}(\alpha )\eta ^{-2}\rceil \]


\[ \Delta _\eta (f)\subseteq \left\{ \sum _{\gamma \in \Delta }c_\gamma \gamma : c_\gamma \in \{ -1,0,1\} \right\} . \]

By Lemma 2.11 it suffices to show that \(\Delta _\eta (f)\) contains no dissociated set with at least

\[ K= \lceil e\mathcal{L}(\alpha )\eta ^{-2}\rceil +1 \]

many elements. Suppose not, and let \(\Delta \subseteq \Delta _\eta (f)\) be a dissociated set of size \(K\). Then by Lemma 2.10 we have, for any \(m\geq 1\),

\[ E_{2m}(\Delta )\le m!K^m. \]

On the other hand, by Lemma 2.8,

\[ \eta ^{2m}\alpha K^{2m}\le E_{2m}(\Delta ). \]

Rearranging these bounds, we have

\[ K^m \le m! \alpha ^{-1}\eta ^{-2m}\le m^m\alpha ^{-1}\eta ^{-2m}. \]

Therefore \(K\le \alpha ^{-1/m}m\eta ^{-2}\). This is a contradiction to the choice of \(K\) if we choose \(m=\mathcal{L}(\alpha )\), since \(\alpha ^{-1/m}\le e\).