Normed fields #
In this file we continue building the theory of (semi)normed rings and fields.
Some useful results that relate the topology of the normed field to the discrete topology include:
Non-unital seminormed ring structure on the product of finitely many non-unital seminormed rings, using the sup norm.
Seminormed ring structure on the product of finitely many seminormed rings, using the sup norm.
Normed ring structure on the product of finitely many non-unital normed rings, using the sup norm.
Normed ring structure on the product of finitely many normed rings, using the sup norm.
Non-unital seminormed commutative ring structure on the product of finitely many non-unital seminormed commutative rings, using the sup norm.
Normed commutative ring structure on the product of finitely many non-unital normed commutative rings, using the sup norm.
Seminormed commutative ring structure on the product of finitely many seminormed commutative rings, using the sup norm.
Normed commutative ring structure on the product of finitely many normed commutative rings, using the sup norm.
A seminormed ring is a topological ring.
Multiplication by a nonzero element a
on the left
as a DilationEquiv
of a normed division ring.
- DilationEquiv.mulLeft a ha = { toEquiv := Equiv.mulLeft₀ a ha, edist_eq' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Multiplication by a nonzero element a
on the right
as a DilationEquiv
of a normed division ring.
- DilationEquiv.mulRight a ha = { toEquiv := Equiv.mulRight₀ a ha, edist_eq' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Multiplication on the left by a nonzero element of a normed division ring tends to infinity at infinity.
Multiplication on the right by a nonzero element of a normed division ring tends to infinity at infinity.
A normed division ring is a topological division ring.
A normed field is either nontrivially normed or has a discrete topology.
In the discrete topology case, all the norms are 1, by norm_eq_one_iff_ne_zero_of_discrete
The nontrivially normed field instance is provided by a subtype with a proof that the
forgetful inheritance to the existing NormedField
instance is definitionally true.
This allows one to have the new NontriviallyNormedField
instance without data clashes.