Algebraic structures over continuous functions #
In this file we define instances of algebraic structures over the type ContinuousMap α β
(denoted C(α, β)
) of bundled continuous maps from α
to β
. For example, C(α, β)
is a group when β
is a group, a ring when β
is a ring, etc.
For each type of algebraic structure, we also define an appropriate subobject of α → β
with carrier { f : α → β | Continuous f }
. For example, when β
is a group, a subgroup
continuousSubgroup α β
of α → β
is constructed with carrier { f : α → β | Continuous f }
Note that, rather than using the derived algebraic structures on these subobjects
(for example, when β
is a group, the derived group structure on continuousSubgroup α β
one should use C(α, β)
with the appropriate instance of the structure.
and add
- ContinuousMap.instOne = { one := ContinuousMap.const α 1 }
- ContinuousMap.instZero = { zero := ContinuousMap.const α 0 }
- ContinuousMap.instNatCast = { natCast := fun (n : ℕ) => ContinuousMap.const α ↑n }
Alias of ContinuousMap.coe_natCast
Alias of ContinuousMap.natCast_apply
- ContinuousMap.instIntCast = { intCast := fun (n : ℤ) => ContinuousMap.const α ↑n }
Alias of ContinuousMap.coe_intCast
Alias of ContinuousMap.intCast_apply
and pow
and neg
and sub
and zsmul
Group structure #
In this section we show that continuous functions valued in a topological group inherit the structure of a group.
The Submonoid
of continuous maps α → β
- continuousSubmonoid α β = { carrier := {f : α → β | Continuous f}, mul_mem' := ⋯, one_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The AddSubmonoid
of continuous maps α → β
- continuousAddSubmonoid α β = { carrier := {f : α → β | Continuous f}, add_mem' := ⋯, zero_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The subgroup of continuous maps α → β
- continuousSubgroup α β = { toSubmonoid := continuousSubmonoid α β, inv_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The AddSubgroup
of continuous maps α → β
- continuousAddSubgroup α β = { toAddSubmonoid := continuousAddSubmonoid α β, neg_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Coercion to a function as a MonoidHom
. Similar to MonoidHom.coeFn
- ContinuousMap.coeFnMonoidHom = { toFun := fun (f : C(α, β)) => ⇑f, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Coercion to a function as an AddMonoidHom
. Similar to AddMonoidHom.coeFn
- ContinuousMap.coeFnAddMonoidHom = { toFun := fun (f : C(α, β)) => ⇑f, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Composition on the left by a (continuous) homomorphism of topological monoids, as a
. Similar to MonoidHom.compLeft
- MonoidHom.compLeftContinuous α g hg = { toFun := fun (f : C(α, β)) => { toFun := ⇑g, continuous_toFun := hg }.comp f, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Composition on the left by a (continuous) homomorphism of topological AddMonoid
s, as an
. Similar to AddMonoidHom.comp_left
- AddMonoidHom.compLeftContinuous α g hg = { toFun := fun (f : C(α, β)) => { toFun := ⇑g, continuous_toFun := hg }.comp f, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Composition on the right as a MonoidHom
. Similar to MonoidHom.compHom'
Instances For
Composition on the right as an AddMonoidHom
. Similar to AddMonoidHom.compHom'
Instances For
If an infinite product of functions in C(α, β)
converges to g
(for the compact-open topology), then the pointwise product converges to g x
for all x ∈ α
If an infinite sum of functions in C(α, β)
converges to g
(for the compact-open topology),
then the pointwise sum converges to g x
for all x ∈ α
Ring structure #
In this section we show that continuous functions valued in a topological semiring R
the structure of a ring.
The subsemiring of continuous maps α → β
- continuousSubsemiring α R = { carrier := (continuousAddSubmonoid α R).carrier, mul_mem' := ⋯, one_mem' := ⋯, add_mem' := ⋯, zero_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The subring of continuous maps α → β
- continuousSubring α R = { carrier := (continuousAddSubgroup α R).carrier, mul_mem' := ⋯, one_mem' := ⋯, add_mem' := ⋯, zero_mem' := ⋯, neg_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- ContinuousMap.instNonAssocRingOfTopologicalRing = Function.Injective.nonAssocRing DFunLike.coe ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
- ContinuousMap.instRing = Function.Injective.ring DFunLike.coe ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
- ContinuousMap.instCommRingOfTopologicalRing = Function.Injective.commRing DFunLike.coe ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Composition on the left by a (continuous) homomorphism of topological semirings, as a
. Similar to RingHom.compLeft
- RingHom.compLeftContinuous α g hg = { toMonoidHom := MonoidHom.compLeftContinuous α (↑g) hg, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Coercion to a function as a RingHom
- ContinuousMap.coeFnRingHom = { toMonoidHom := ContinuousMap.coeFnMonoidHom, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Module structure #
In this section we show that continuous functions valued in a topological module M
over a
topological semiring R
inherit the structure of a module.
The R
-submodule of continuous maps α → M
- continuousSubmodule α R M = { carrier := {f : α → M | Continuous f}, add_mem' := ⋯, zero_mem' := ⋯, smul_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Composition on the left by a continuous linear map, as a LinearMap
Similar to LinearMap.compLeft
- ContinuousLinearMap.compLeftContinuous R α g = { toFun := (↑(AddMonoidHom.compLeftContinuous α (↑g).toAddMonoidHom ⋯)).toFun, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Coercion to a function as a LinearMap
- ContinuousMap.coeFnLinearMap R = { toFun := (↑ContinuousMap.coeFnAddMonoidHom).toFun, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Evaluation at a point, as a continuous linear map.
- ContinuousMap.evalCLM R x = { toFun := fun (f : C(α, M)) => f x, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
Algebra structure #
In this section we show that continuous functions valued in a topological algebra A
over a ring
inherit the structure of an algebra. Note that the hypothesis that A
is a topological algebra
is obtained by requiring that A
be both a ContinuousSMul
and a TopologicalSemiring
The R
-subalgebra of continuous maps α → A
- continuousSubalgebra = { carrier := {f : α → A | Continuous f}, mul_mem' := ⋯, one_mem' := ⋯, add_mem' := ⋯, zero_mem' := ⋯, algebraMap_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Continuous constant functions as a RingHom
- ContinuousMap.C = { toFun := fun (c : R) => { toFun := fun (x : α) => (algebraMap R A) c, continuous_toFun := ⋯ }, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Composition on the left by a (continuous) homomorphism of topological R
-algebras, as an
. Similar to AlgHom.compLeft
- AlgHom.compLeftContinuous R g hg = { toRingHom := RingHom.compLeftContinuous α g.toRingHom hg, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Precomposition of functions into a topological semiring by a continuous map is an algebra homomorphism.
- ContinuousMap.compRightAlgHom R A f = { toFun := fun (g : C(β, A)) => g.comp f, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Coercion to a function as an AlgHom
- ContinuousMap.coeFnAlgHom R = { toRingHom := ContinuousMap.coeFnRingHom, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A version of Set.SeparatesPoints
for subalgebras of the continuous functions,
used for stating the Stone-Weierstrass theorem.
Instances For
A set of continuous maps "separates points strongly" if for each pair of distinct points there is a function with specified values on them.
We give a slightly unusual formulation, where the specified values are given by some
function v
, and we ask f x = v x ∧ f y = v y
. This avoids needing a hypothesis x ≠ y
In fact, this definition would work perfectly well for a set of non-continuous functions, but as the only current use case is in the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, writing it this way avoids having to deal with casts inside the set. (This may need to change if we do Stone-Weierstrass on non-compact spaces, where the functions would be continuous functions vanishing at infinity.)
Instances For
Working in continuous functions into a topological field, a subalgebra of functions that separates points also separates points strongly.
By the hypothesis, we can find a function f
so f x ≠ f y
By an affine transformation in the field we can arrange so that f x = a
and f x = b
Structure as module over scalar functions #
If M
is a module over R
, then we show that the space of continuous functions from α
to M
is naturally a module over the ring of continuous functions from α
to R
Coercion to a function for a scalar-valued continuous map multiplying a vector-valued one
(as opposed to ContinuousMap.coe_smul
which is multiplication by a constant scalar).
Evaluation of a scalar-valued continuous map multiplying a vector-valued one
(as opposed to ContinuousMap.smul_apply
which is multiplication by a constant scalar).
Evaluation as a bundled map #
Evaluation of continuous maps at a point, bundled as an algebra homomorphism.
- ContinuousMap.evalAlgHom S R x = { toFun := fun (f : C(X, R)) => f x, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_zero' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯, commutes' := ⋯ }