

theorem ByteArray.ext {x y : ByteArray} (data : = :
x = y

uget/uset #

theorem ByteArray.uset_eq_set (a : ByteArray) {i : USize} (h : i.toNat < a.size) (v : UInt8) :
a.uset i v h = a.set i.toNat v h

empty #

theorem ByteArray.data_mkEmpty (cap : Nat) :
@[deprecated ByteArray.data_mkEmpty (since := "2024-08-13")]
theorem ByteArray.mkEmpty_data (cap : Nat) :

Alias of ByteArray.data_mkEmpty.

@[deprecated ByteArray.data_empty (since := "2024-08-13")]

Alias of ByteArray.data_empty.

push #

theorem ByteArray.data_push (a : ByteArray) (b : UInt8) :
(a.push b).data = b
@[deprecated ByteArray.data_push (since := "2024-08-13")]
theorem ByteArray.push_data (a : ByteArray) (b : UInt8) :
(a.push b).data = b

Alias of ByteArray.data_push.

theorem ByteArray.size_push (a : ByteArray) (b : UInt8) :
(a.push b).size = a.size + 1
theorem ByteArray.get_push_eq (a : ByteArray) (x : UInt8) :
(a.push x)[a.size] = x
theorem ByteArray.get_push_lt (a : ByteArray) (x : UInt8) (i : Nat) (h : i < a.size) :
(a.push x)[i] = a[i]

set #

theorem ByteArray.data_set (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v : UInt8) :
(a.set (↑i) v ).data = (↑i) v
@[deprecated ByteArray.data_set (since := "2024-08-13")]
theorem ByteArray.set_data (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v : UInt8) :
(a.set (↑i) v ).data = (↑i) v

Alias of ByteArray.data_set.

theorem ByteArray.size_set (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v : UInt8) :
(a.set (↑i) v ).size = a.size
theorem ByteArray.get_set_eq (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v : UInt8) :
(a.set (↑i) v )[i] = v
theorem ByteArray.get_set_ne {j : Nat} (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v : UInt8) (hj : j < a.size) (h : i j) :
(a.set (↑i) v )[j] = a[j]
theorem ByteArray.set_set (a : ByteArray) (i : Fin a.size) (v v' : UInt8) :
(a.set (↑i) v ).set (↑i) v' = a.set (↑i) v'

copySlice #

theorem ByteArray.data_copySlice (a : ByteArray) (i : Nat) (b : ByteArray) (j len : Nat) (exact : Bool) :
(a.copySlice i b j len exact).data = 0 j ++ i (i + len) ++ (j + min len ( - i))
@[deprecated ByteArray.data_copySlice (since := "2024-08-13")]
theorem ByteArray.copySlice_data (a : ByteArray) (i : Nat) (b : ByteArray) (j len : Nat) (exact : Bool) :
(a.copySlice i b j len exact).data = 0 j ++ i (i + len) ++ (j + min len ( - i))

Alias of ByteArray.data_copySlice.

append #

theorem ByteArray.append_eq (a b : ByteArray) :
a.append b = a ++ b
theorem ByteArray.data_append (a b : ByteArray) :
(a ++ b).data = ++
@[deprecated ByteArray.data_append (since := "2024-08-13")]
theorem ByteArray.append_data (a b : ByteArray) :
(a ++ b).data = ++

Alias of ByteArray.data_append.

theorem ByteArray.get_append_left {i : Nat} {a b : ByteArray} (hlt : i < a.size) (h : i < (a ++ b).size := ) :
(a ++ b)[i] = a[i]
theorem ByteArray.get_append_right {i : Nat} {a b : ByteArray} (hle : a.size i) (h : i < (a ++ b).size) (h' : i - a.size < b.size := ) :
(a ++ b)[i] = b[i - a.size]

extract #

theorem ByteArray.data_extract (a : ByteArray) (start stop : Nat) :
(a.extract start stop).data = start stop
@[deprecated ByteArray.data_extract (since := "2024-08-13")]
theorem ByteArray.extract_data (a : ByteArray) (start stop : Nat) :
(a.extract start stop).data = start stop

Alias of ByteArray.data_extract.

theorem ByteArray.size_extract (a : ByteArray) (start stop : Nat) :
(a.extract start stop).size = min stop a.size - start
theorem ByteArray.get_extract_aux {i : Nat} {a : ByteArray} {start stop : Nat} (h : i < (a.extract start stop).size) :
start + i < a.size
theorem ByteArray.get_extract {i : Nat} {a : ByteArray} {start stop : Nat} (h : i < (a.extract start stop).size) :
(a.extract start stop)[i] = a[start + i]

ofFn #

def ByteArray.ofFn {n : Nat} (f : Fin nUInt8) :
  • ofFn f with f : Fin n → UInt8 returns the byte array whose ith element is f i. -
Instances For
    theorem ByteArray.ofFn_zero (f : Fin 0UInt8) :
    theorem ByteArray.ofFn_succ {n : Nat} (f : Fin (n + 1)UInt8) :
    ofFn f = (ofFn fun (i : Fin n) => f i.castSucc).push (f (Fin.last n))
    theorem ByteArray.data_ofFn {n : Nat} (f : Fin nUInt8) :
    @[deprecated ByteArray.data_ofFn (since := "2024-08-13")]
    theorem ByteArray.ofFn_data {n : Nat} (f : Fin nUInt8) :

    Alias of ByteArray.data_ofFn.

    theorem ByteArray.size_ofFn {n : Nat} (f : Fin nUInt8) :
    (ofFn f).size = n
    theorem ByteArray.get_ofFn {n : Nat} (f : Fin nUInt8) (i : Fin (ofFn f).size) :
    (ofFn f).get i = f (Fin.cast i)
    theorem ByteArray.getElem_ofFn {n : Nat} (f : Fin nUInt8) (i : Nat) (h : i < (ofFn f).size) :
    (ofFn f)[i] = f i,

    map/mapM #

    unsafe def ByteArray.mapMUnsafe {m : TypeType u_1} [Monad m] (a : ByteArray) (f : UInt8m UInt8) :

    Unsafe optimized implementation of mapM.

    This function is unsafe because it relies on the implementation limit that the size of an array is always less than USize.size.

    Instances For
      @[specialize #[]]
      unsafe def ByteArray.mapMUnsafe.loop {m : TypeType u_1} [Monad m] (f : UInt8m UInt8) (a : ByteArray) (k s : USize) :

      Inner loop for mapMUnsafe.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        @[implemented_by ByteArray.mapMUnsafe]
        def ByteArray.mapM {m : TypeType u_1} [Monad m] (a : ByteArray) (f : UInt8m UInt8) :

        mapM f a applies the monadic function f to each element of the array.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          map f a applies the function f to each element of the array.

          Instances For