

@[deprecated Std.Range.size (since := "2024-12-19")]

Alias of Std.Range.size.

The number of elements in the range.

Instances For
    @[deprecated Std.Range.size_stop_le_start (since := "2024-12-19")]

    Alias of Std.Range.size_stop_le_start.

    theorem Std.Range.size_step_1 (start stop : Nat) :
    { start := start, stop := stop, step := 1, step_pos := }.size = stop - start
    @[deprecated Std.Range.size_step_1 (since := "2024-12-19")]
    theorem Std.Range.numElems_step_1 (start stop : Nat) :
    { start := start, stop := stop, step := 1, step_pos := }.size = stop - start

    Alias of Std.Range.size_step_1.

    @[deprecated Std.Range.mem_of_mem_range' (since := "2024-12-19")]
    theorem Std.Range.mem_range'_elems {x : Nat} {r : Range} (h : x List.range' r.start r.size r.step) :
    x r

    Alias of Std.Range.mem_of_mem_range'.

    @[deprecated Std.Range.forIn'_eq_forIn'_range' (since := "2024-12-19")]
    theorem Std.Range.forIn'_eq_forIn_range' {m : Type u_1 → Type u_2} {β : Type u_1} [Monad m] (r : Range) (init : β) (f : (a : Nat) → a rβm (ForInStep β)) :
    forIn' r init f = forIn' (List.range' r.start r.size r.step) init fun (a : Nat) (h : a List.range' r.start r.size r.step) => f a

    Alias of Std.Range.forIn'_eq_forIn'_range'.