Lemmas about Array.findSome?
, Array.find?,
Array.idxOf`. #
findSome? #
find? #
@[reducible, inline, deprecated Array.find?_flatten_eq_none_iff (since := "2025-02-03")]
Instances For
{α : Type u_1}
{xss : Array (Array α)}
{p : α → Bool}
{a : α}
If find? p
returns some a
from xs.flatten
, then p a
holds, and
some array in xs
contains a
, and no earlier element of that array satisfies p
Moreover, no earlier array in xs
has an element satisfying p
@[reducible, inline, deprecated Array.find?_flatten_eq_some_iff (since := "2025-02-03")]
Instances For
@[reducible, inline, deprecated Array.find?_mkArray_eq_none_iff (since := "2025-02-03")]
Instances For
@[reducible, inline, deprecated Array.find?_mkArray_eq_some_iff (since := "2025-02-03")]
Instances For
findIdx #
findIdx? #
findFinIdx? #
idxOf #
The verification API for idxOf
is still incomplete.
The lemmas below should be made consistent with those for findIdx
(and proved using them).
idxOf? #
The verification API for idxOf?
is still incomplete.
The lemmas below should be made consistent with those for findIdx?
(and proved using them).
finIdxOf? #
The verification API for finIdxOf?
is still incomplete.
The lemmas below should be made consistent with those for findFinIdx?
(and proved using them).