

This module implements the preprocessing of function definitions involved in well-founded recursion. The goal is to change higher order functions to add more information to the context, e.g. change (fun x => …) xs to (fun ⟨x, h⟩ => …) xs.attach. This extra information can then be used by the termination proof tactic to determine that a recursive call is indeed decreasing.

The process proceeds in these steps, to guide the transformation:

  1. The parameters of the function are annotated with the wfParam gadget.

    We could be more selective here and only annotate those that have a SizeOf instance. We cannot (easily) only consider the parameters that appear in the termination measure, as that is not known yet.

  2. The wfParam gadget is pushed around:

    • f (wfParam x) ==> wfParam (f x) if f is a projection

    • match (wfParam x) with con y => alt[y] ==> match x with con y => alt[wfParam y]

      In a match with multiple targets it suffices for any of the targets to be annotated with wfParam, and all parameters of the match arms are annotated with wfParam. This is an overapproximation.

  3. The wf_preprocess simpset is applied to do the actual transformation. It typically contains two rules for each higher-order function of interest

    • (wfParam xs).map f = f
    • f = (fun ⟨x, h⟩ => binderNameHint x f (f (wfParam x)))

    The first rule “activates” the call, the second rule actually performs it. They are separated like this so that for chains of the form (xs.reverse.filter p).map f the .attach is attached to xs and we get the basic x ∈ xs in the context of f.

    The binderNameHint preserves the user-chosen name in f if that is a lambda.

    The wfParam on the right hand side ensurses that doubly-nested recursion works.

  4. All left-over wfParam gadgets are removed.

The simplifier is used to perform steps 2 (using simprocs) and 3 (using rewrite rules) together.

f (wfParam x) ==> wfParam (f x) if f is a projection

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For

    `match (wfParam x) with con y => alt[y] ==> match x with con y => alt[wfParam y]

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      `let x := (wfParam e); body[x] ==> let x := e; body[wfParam y]

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For