Quasicoherent sheaves #
A sheaf of modules is quasi-coherent if it admits locally a presentation as the cokernel of a morphism between coproducts of copies of the sheaf of rings. When these coproducts are finite, we say that the sheaf is of finite presentation.
References #
A global presentation of a sheaf of modules M
consists of a family generators.s
of sections s
which generate M
, and a family of sections which generate
the kernel of the morphism generators.π : free (generators.I) ⟶ M
- generators : M.GeneratingSections
- relations : (CategoryTheory.Limits.kernel self.generators.π).GeneratingSections
Instances For
This structure contains the data of a family of objects X i
which cover
the terminal object, and of a presentation of M.over (X i)
for all i
- I : Type u'
the index type of the covering
- X : self.I → C
a family of objects which cover the terminal object
- presentation (i : self.I) : (M.over (self.X i)).Presentation
a presentation of the sheaf of modules
M.over (X i)
for anyi : I
Instances For
If M
is quasicoherent, it is locally generated by sections.
- q.localGeneratorsData = { I := q.I, X := q.X, coversTop := ⋯, generators := fun (i : q.I) => (q.presentation i).generators }
Instances For
A sheaf of modules is quasi-coherent if it is locally the cokernel of a morphism between coproducts of copies of the sheaf of rings.
- nonempty_quasicoherentData : Nonempty M.QuasicoherentData
A sheaf of modules is finitely presented if it is locally the cokernel of a morphism between coproducts of finitely many copies of the sheaf of rings..
- exists_quasicoherentData : ∃ (σ : M.QuasicoherentData), ∀ (i : σ.I), Finite (σ.presentation i).generators.I ∧ Finite (σ.presentation i).relations.I
A choice of local presentations when M
is a sheaf of modules of finite presentation.