The derived category of an abelian category #
In this file, we construct the derived category DerivedCategory C
of an
abelian category C
. It is equipped with a triangulated structure.
The derived category is defined here as the localization of cochain complexes
indexed by ℤ
with respect to quasi-isomorphisms: it is a type synonym of
HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C (ComplexShape.up ℤ)
. Then, we have a
localization functor DerivedCategory.Q : CochainComplex C ℤ ⥤ DerivedCategory C
It was already shown in the file Algebra.Homology.Localization
that the induced
functor DerivedCategory.Qh : HomotopyCategory C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) ⥤ DerivedCategory C
is a localization functor with respect to the class of morphisms
HomotopyCategory.quasiIso C (ComplexShape.up ℤ)
. In the lemma
we obtain that this class of morphisms
consists of morphisms whose cone belongs to the triangulated subcategory
HomotopyCategory.subcategoryAcyclic C
of acyclic complexes. Then, the triangulated
structure on DerivedCategory C
is deduced from the triangulated structure
on the homotopy category (see file Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.Triangulated
using the localization theorem for triangulated categories which was obtained
in the file CategoryTheory.Localization.Triangulated
Implementation notes #
If C : Type u
and Category.{v} C
, the constructed localized category of cochain
complexes with respect to quasi-isomorphisms has morphisms in Type (max u v)
However, in certain circumstances, it shall be possible to prove that they are v
(when C
is a Grothendieck abelian category (e.g. the category of modules over a ring),
it should be so by a theorem of Hovey.).
Then, when working with derived categories in mathlib, the user should add the variable
[HasDerivedCategory.{w} C]
which is the assumption that there is a chosen derived
category with morphisms in Type w
. When derived categories are used in order to
prove statements which do not involve derived categories, the HasDerivedCategory.{max u v}
instance should be obtained at the beginning of the proof, using the term
HasDerivedCategory.standard C
TODO (@joelriou) #
- construct the distinguished triangle associated to a short exact sequence
of cochain complexes (done), and compare the associated connecting homomorphism
with the one defined in
. - refactor the definition of Ext groups using morphisms in the derived category
(which may be shrunk to the universe
at least whenC
has enough projectives or enough injectives).
References #
- [Jean-Louis Verdier, Des catégories dérivées des catégories abéliennes][verdier1996]
- [Mark Hovey, Model category structures on chain complexes of sheaves][hovey-2001]
The triangulated subcategory of HomotopyCategory C (ComplexShape.up ℤ)
of acyclic complexes.
Instances For
The assumption that a localized category for
(HomologicalComplex.quasiIso C (ComplexShape.up ℤ))
has been chosen, and that the morphisms
in this chosen category are in Type w
Instances For
The derived category obtained using the constructed localized category of cochain complexes with respect to quasi-isomorphisms. This should be used only while proving statements which do not involve the derived category.
Instances For
The derived category of an abelian category.
Instances For
The localization functor CochainComplex C ℤ ⥤ DerivedCategory C
Instances For
The localization functor HomotopyCategory C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) ⥤ DerivedCategory C
Instances For
The natural isomorphism HomotopyCategory.quotient C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) ⋙ Qh ≅ Q
Instances For
The single functors C ⥤ DerivedCategory C
for all n : ℤ
along with
their compatibilities with shifts.
Instances For
The shift functor C ⥤ DerivedCategory C
which sends X : C
to the
single cochain complex with X
sitting in degree n : ℤ
Instances For
The isomorphism
DerivedCategory.singleFunctors C ≅ (HomotopyCategory.singleFunctors C).postcomp Qh
by the definition of DerivedCategory.singleFunctors
Instances For
The isomorphism
DerivedCategory.singleFunctors C ≅ (CochainComplex.singleFunctors C).postcomp Q
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