

Triangulated subcategories #

In this file, we introduce the notion of triangulated subcategory of a pretriangulated category C. If S : Subcategory W, we define the class of morphisms S.W : MorphismProperty C consisting of morphisms whose "cone" belongs to S (up to isomorphisms). We show that S.W has both calculus of left and right fractions.


Implementation notes #

In the definition of Triangulated.Subcategory, we do not assume that the predicate on objects is closed under isomorphisms (i.e. that the subcategory is "strictly full"). Part of the theory would be more convenient under this stronger assumption (e.g. Subcategory C would be a lattice), but some applications require this: for example, the subcategory of bounded below complexes in the homotopy category of an additive category is not closed under isomorphisms.

References #

A triangulated subcategory of a pretriangulated category C consists of a predicate P : C → Prop which contains a zero object, is stable by shifts, and such that if X₁ ⟶ X₂ ⟶ X₃ ⟶ X₁⟦1⟧ is a distinguished triangle such that if X₁ and X₃ satisfy P then X₂ is isomorphic to an object satisfying P.

Instances For

    The closure under isomorphisms of a triangulated subcategory.

    Instances For
      def' {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} C] [Limits.HasZeroObject C] [HasShift C ] [Preadditive C] [∀ (n : ), (shiftFunctor C n).Additive] [Pretriangulated C] (P : ObjectProperty C) (zero : P 0) (shift : ∀ (X : C) (n : ), P XP ((shiftFunctor C n).obj X)) (ext₂ : TPretriangulated.distinguishedTriangles, P T.obj₁P T.obj₃P T.obj₂) :

      An alternative constructor for "strictly full" triangulated subcategory.

      Instances For
        instance CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Subcategory.instIsClosedUnderIsomorphismsPMk' {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} C] [Limits.HasZeroObject C] [HasShift C ] [Preadditive C] [∀ (n : ), (shiftFunctor C n).Additive] [Pretriangulated C] (P : ObjectProperty C) (zero : P 0) (shift : ∀ (X : C) (n : ), P XP ((shiftFunctor C n).obj X)) (ext₂ : TPretriangulated.distinguishedTriangles, P T.obj₁P T.obj₃P T.obj₂) :
        (mk' P zero shift ext₂).P.IsClosedUnderIsomorphisms

        Given S : Triangulated.Subcategory C, this is the class of morphisms on C which consists of morphisms whose cone satisfies S.P.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Subcategory.W.shift {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} C] [Limits.HasZeroObject C] [HasShift C ] [Preadditive C] [∀ (n : ), (shiftFunctor C n).Additive] [Pretriangulated C] {S : Subcategory C} {X₁ X₂ : C} {f : X₁ X₂} (hf : S.W f) (n : ) :
          S.W ((shiftFunctor C n).map f)
          theorem CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Subcategory.W.unshift {C : Type u_1} [Category.{u_2, u_1} C] [Limits.HasZeroObject C] [HasShift C ] [Preadditive C] [∀ (n : ), (shiftFunctor C n).Additive] [Pretriangulated C] {S : Subcategory C} {X₁ X₂ : C} {f : X₁ X₂} {n : } (hf : S.W ((shiftFunctor C n).map f)) :
          S.W f