The canonical truncation #
Given an embedding e : Embedding c c'
of complex shapes which
satisfies e.IsTruncLE
and K : HomologicalComplex C c'
we define K.truncGE' e : HomologicalComplex C c
and K.truncLE e : HomologicalComplex C c'
which are the canonical
truncations of K
relative to e
In order to achieve this, we dualize the constructions from the file
The canonical truncation of a homological complex relative to an embedding
of complex shapes e
which satisfies e.IsTruncLE
Instances For
The isomorphism (K.truncLE' e).X i ≅ K.X i'
when e.f i = i'
and e.BoundaryLE i
does not hold.
- K.truncLE'XIso e hi' hi = (K.op.truncGE'XIso e.op hi' ⋯).symm.unop
Instances For
The isomorphism (K.truncLE' e).X i ≅ K.cycles i'
when e.f i = i'
and e.BoundaryLE i
- K.truncLE'XIsoCycles e hi' hi = (K.op.truncGE'XIsoOpcycles e.op hi' ⋯).unop.symm ≪≫ (K.opcyclesOpIso i').unop.symm
Instances For
The canonical truncation of a homological complex relative to an embedding
of complex shapes e
which satisfies e.IsTruncLE
Instances For
The canonical isomorphism K.truncLE e ≅ (K.truncLE' e).extend e
- K.truncLEIso e = (HomologicalComplex.unopFunctor C c'.symm).mapIso ((K.truncLE' e).extendOpIso e).symm.op
Instances For
The isomorphism (K.truncLE e).X i' ≅ K.X i'
when e.f i = i'
and e.BoundaryLE i
does not hold.
- K.truncLEXIso e hi' hi = (K.op.truncGEXIso e.op hi' ⋯).unop.symm
Instances For
The isomorphism (K.truncLE e).X i' ≅ K.cycles i'
when e.f i = i'
and e.BoundaryLE i
- K.truncLEXIsoCycles e hi' hi = (K.op.truncGEXIsoOpcycles e.op hi' ⋯).unop.symm ≪≫ (K.opcyclesOpIso i').unop.symm
Instances For
The morphism K.truncLE' e ⟶ L.truncLE' e
induced by a morphism K ⟶ L
- HomologicalComplex.truncLE'Map φ e = (HomologicalComplex.unopFunctor C c.symm).map (HomologicalComplex.truncGE'Map ((HomologicalComplex.opFunctor C c').map φ.op) e.op).op
Instances For
The morphism K.truncLE e ⟶ L.truncLE e
induced by a morphism K ⟶ L
- HomologicalComplex.truncLEMap φ e = (HomologicalComplex.unopFunctor C c'.symm).map (HomologicalComplex.truncGEMap ((HomologicalComplex.opFunctor C c').map φ.op) e.op).op
Instances For
The canonical morphism K.truncLE' e ⟶ K.restriction e
- K.truncLE'ToRestriction e = (HomologicalComplex.unopFunctor C c.symm).map (K.op.restrictionToTruncGE' e.op).op
Instances For
(K.truncLE'ToRestriction e).f i
is an isomorphism when ¬ e.BoundaryLE i
The canonical morphism K.truncLE e ⟶ K
when e
is an embedding of complex
shapes which satisfy e.IsTruncLE
Instances For
Given an embedding e : Embedding c c'
of complex shapes which satisfy e.IsTruncLE
this is the (canonical) truncation functor
HomologicalComplex C c' ⥤ HomologicalComplex C c
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Instances For
The natural transformation K.truncGE' e ⟶ K.restriction e
for all K
- e.truncLE'ToRestrictionNatTrans C = { app := fun (K : HomologicalComplex C c') => K.truncLE'ToRestriction e, naturality := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given an embedding e : Embedding c c'
of complex shapes which satisfy e.IsTruncLE
this is the (canonical) truncation functor
HomologicalComplex C c' ⥤ HomologicalComplex C c'
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Instances For
The natural transformation K.ιTruncLE e : K.truncLE e ⟶ K
for all K
- e.ιTruncLENatTrans C = { app := fun (K : HomologicalComplex C c') => K.ιTruncLE e, naturality := ⋯ }