Nonnegative contractions in a C⋆-algebra form an approximate unit #
This file shows that the collection of positive contractions (of norm strictly less than one)
in a possibly non-unital C⋆-algebra form a directed set. The key step uses the continuous functional
calculus applied with the functions fun x : ℝ≥0, 1 - (1 + x)⁻¹
and fun x : ℝ≥0, x * (1 - x)⁻¹
which are inverses on the interval {x : ℝ≥0 | x < 1}
In addition, this file defines IsIncreasingApproximateUnit
to be a filter l
that is an
approximate unit contained in the closed unit ball of nonnegative elements. Every C⋆-algebra has
a filter generated by the sections {x | a ≤ x} ∩ closedBall 0 1
for 0 ≤ a
and ‖a‖ < 1
, and
moreover, this filter is an increasing approximate unit.
Main declarations #
: the functionf := fun x : ℝ≥0, 1 - (1 + x)⁻¹
is operator monotone onSet.Ici (0 : A)
(i.e.,cfcₙ f
is monotone on{x : A | 0 ≤ x}
: the functionsf := fun x : ℝ≥0, 1 - (1 + x)⁻¹
andg := fun x : ℝ≥0, x * (1 - x)⁻¹
are inverses on{x : ℝ≥0 | x < 1}
: the set{x : A | 0 ≤ x} ∩ Metric.ball 0 1
is directed.Filter.IsIncreasingApproximateUnit
: a filterl
is an increasing approximate unit if it is an approximate unit contained in the closed unit ball of nonnegative elements.CStarAlgebra.approximateUnit
: the filter generated by the sections{x | a ≤ x} ∩ closedBall 0 1
for0 ≤ a
with‖a‖ < 1
: the filterCStarAlgebra.approximateUnit
is an increasing approximate unit.
An increasing approximate unit in a C⋆-algebra is an approximate unit contained in the closed unit ball of nonnegative elements.
Instances For
To show that l
is a one-sided approximate unit for A
, it suffices to verify it only for
m : A
with 0 ≤ m
and ‖m‖ < 1
Multiplication on the left by m
tends to 𝓝 m
if and only if multiplication on the right
does, provided the elements are eventually selfadjoint along the filter l
The sections of positive strict contractions form a filter basis.
The canonical approximate unit in a C⋆-algebra generated by the basis of sets
{x | a ≤ x} ∩ closedBall 0 1
for 0 ≤ a
. See also CStarAlgebra.hasBasis_approximateUnit
Instances For
The canonical approximate unit in a C⋆-algebra has a basis of sets
{x | a ≤ x} ∩ closedBall 0 1
for 0 ≤ a
This is a common reasoning sequence in C⋆-algebra theory. If 0 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ 1
, then the norm of
z - y * z
is controlled by the norm of star z * (1 - x) * z
, which is advantageous because the
latter is nonnegative. This is a key step in establishing the existence of an increasing approximate
unit in general C⋆-algebras.
A variant of nnnorm_sub_mul_self_le
which uses ‖·‖
instead of ‖·‖₊
A variant of norm_sub_mul_self_le
for non-unital algebras that passes to the unitization.
The filter CStarAlgebra.approximateUnit
generated by the sections
{x | a ≤ x} ∩ closedBall 0 1
for 0 ≤ a
forms an increasing approximate unit.