

Adjoint lifting #

This file gives two constructions for building right adjoints: the adjoint triangle theorem and the adjoint lifting theorem.

The adjoint triangle theorem concerns a functor F : B ⥤ A with a right adjoint U such that η_X : X ⟶ UFX is a regular mono. Then for any category C with equalizers of coreflexive pairs, a functor L : C ⥤ B has a right adjoint if (and only if) the composite L ⋙ F does. Note that the condition on F regarding η_X is automatically satisfied in the case when F is a comonadic functor, giving the corollary: isLeftAdjoint_triangle_lift_comonadic, i.e. if F is comonadic, C has coreflexive equalizers then L : C ⥤ B has a right adjoint provided L ⋙ F does.

The adjoint lifting theorem says that given a commutative square of functors (up to isomorphism):

    A → B
  U ↓   ↓ V
    C → D

where V is comonadic, U has a right adjoint, and A has coreflexive equalizers, then if L has a right adjoint then Q has a right adjoint.

Implementation #

It is more convenient to prove this theorem by assuming we are given the explicit adjunction rather than just a functor known to be a right adjoint. In docstrings, we write (η, ε) for the unit and counit of the adjunction adj₁ : F ⊣ U and (ι, δ) for the unit and counit of the adjunction adj₂ : L ⋙ F ⊣ U'.

This file has been adapted from Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Adjunction.Lifting.Left. Please try to keep them in sync.


References #

def CategoryTheory.LiftRightAdjoint.unitEqualises {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (adj₁ : F U) [(X : B) → RegularMono (adj₁ X)] (X : B) :

To show that η_X is an equalizer for (UFη_X, η_UFX), it suffices to assume it's always an equalizer of something (i.e. a regular mono).

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    def CategoryTheory.LiftRightAdjoint.otherMap {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] [Category.{v₃, u₃} C] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (L : Functor C B) (U' : Functor A C) (adj₁ : F U) (adj₂ : L.comp F U') (X : B) :
    U'.obj (F.obj X) U'.obj (F.obj (U.obj (F.obj X)))

    (Implementation) To construct the right adjoint, we use the equalizer of U' F η_X with the composite

    U' F X ⟶ U' F L U' F X ⟶ U' F U F L U' F X ⟶ U' F U F X

    where the first morphism is ι_U'FX, the second is U' F η_LU'FX and the third is U' F U δ_FX. We will show that this equalizer exists and that it forms the object map for a right adjoint to L.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      instance CategoryTheory.LiftRightAdjoint.instIsCoreflexivePairMapAppUnitOtherMap {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] [Category.{v₃, u₃} C] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (L : Functor C B) (U' : Functor A C) (adj₁ : F U) (adj₂ : L.comp F U') (X : B) :
      IsCoreflexivePair (U'.map ( (adj₁ X))) (otherMap L U' adj₁ adj₂ X)

      (U'Fη_X, otherMap X) is a coreflexive pair: in particular if C has coreflexive equalizers then this pair has an equalizer.

      noncomputable def CategoryTheory.LiftRightAdjoint.constructRightAdjointObj {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] [Category.{v₃, u₃} C] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (L : Functor C B) (U' : Functor A C) (adj₁ : F U) (adj₂ : L.comp F U') [Limits.HasCoreflexiveEqualizers C] (Y : B) :

      Construct the object part of the desired right adjoint as the equalizer of U'Fη_Y with otherMap.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        noncomputable def CategoryTheory.LiftRightAdjoint.constructRightAdjointEquiv {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] [Category.{v₃, u₃} C] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (L : Functor C B) (U' : Functor A C) (adj₁ : F U) (adj₂ : L.comp F U') [Limits.HasCoreflexiveEqualizers C] [(X : B) → RegularMono (adj₁ X)] (Y : C) (X : B) :
        (Y constructRightAdjointObj L U' adj₁ adj₂ X) (L.obj Y X)

        The homset equivalence which helps show that L is a left adjoint.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem CategoryTheory.LiftRightAdjoint.constructRightAdjointEquiv_symm_apply {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] [Category.{v₃, u₃} C] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (L : Functor C B) (U' : Functor A C) (adj₁ : F U) (adj₂ : L.comp F U') [Limits.HasCoreflexiveEqualizers C] [(X : B) → RegularMono (adj₁ X)] (Y : C) (X : B) (a✝ : L.obj Y X) :
          (constructRightAdjointEquiv L U' adj₁ adj₂ Y X).symm a✝ = (Limits.Fork.IsLimit.homIso (Limits.limit.isLimit (Limits.parallelPair (U'.map ( (adj₁ X))) (otherMap L U' adj₁ adj₂ X))) Y).symm (adj₂.homEquiv Y (F.obj X)) ((adj₁.homEquiv (L.obj Y) (F.obj X)).symm ((Limits.Fork.IsLimit.homIso (unitEqualises adj₁ X) (L.obj Y)) a✝)),
          theorem CategoryTheory.LiftRightAdjoint.constructRightAdjointEquiv_apply {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] [Category.{v₃, u₃} C] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (L : Functor C B) (U' : Functor A C) (adj₁ : F U) (adj₂ : L.comp F U') [Limits.HasCoreflexiveEqualizers C] [(X : B) → RegularMono (adj₁ X)] (Y : C) (X : B) (a✝ : Y constructRightAdjointObj L U' adj₁ adj₂ X) :
          (constructRightAdjointEquiv L U' adj₁ adj₂ Y X) a✝ = (Limits.Fork.IsLimit.homIso (unitEqualises adj₁ X) (L.obj Y)).symm (adj₁.homEquiv (L.obj Y) (F.obj X)) ((adj₂.homEquiv Y (F.obj X)).symm ((Limits.Fork.IsLimit.homIso (Limits.limit.isLimit (Limits.parallelPair (U'.map ( (adj₁ X))) (otherMap L U' adj₁ adj₂ X))) Y) a✝)),
          noncomputable def CategoryTheory.LiftRightAdjoint.constructRightAdjoint {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] [Category.{v₃, u₃} C] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (L : Functor C B) (U' : Functor A C) (adj₁ : F U) (adj₂ : L.comp F U') [Limits.HasCoreflexiveEqualizers C] [(X : B) → RegularMono (adj₁ X)] :

          Construct the right adjoint to L, with object map constructRightAdjointObj.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem CategoryTheory.isLeftAdjoint_triangle_lift {A : Type u₁} {B : Type u₂} {C : Type u₃} [Category.{v₁, u₁} A] [Category.{v₂, u₂} B] [Category.{v₃, u₃} C] {U : Functor A B} {F : Functor B A} (L : Functor C B) (adj₁ : F U) [(X : B) → RegularMono (adj₁ X)] [Limits.HasCoreflexiveEqualizers C] [(L.comp F).IsLeftAdjoint] :

            The adjoint triangle theorem: Suppose U : A ⥤ B has a left adjoint F such that each unit η_X : X ⟶ UFX is a regular monomorphism. Then if a category C has equalizers of coreflexive pairs, then a functor L : C ⥤ B has a right adjoint if the composite L ⋙ F does.

            Note the converse is true (with weaker assumptions), by Adjunction.comp. See

            If L ⋙ F has a right adjoint, the domain of L has coreflexive equalizers and F is a comonadic functor, then L has a right adjoint. This is a special case of isLeftAdjoint_triangle_lift which is often more useful in practice.

            Suppose we have a commutative square of functors

                A → B
              U ↓   ↓ V
                C → D

            where U has a right adjoint, A has coreflexive equalizers and V has a right adjoint such that each component of the counit is a regular mono. Then Q has a right adjoint if L has a right adjoint.


            Suppose we have a commutative square of functors

                A → B
              U ↓   ↓ V
                C → D

            where U has a right adjoint, A has reflexive equalizers and V is comonadic. Then Q has a right adjoint if L has a right adjoint.
