

Limits in full subcategories #

We introduce the notion of a property closed under taking limits and show that if P is closed under taking limits, then limits in FullSubcategory P can be constructed from limits in C. More precisely, the inclusion creates such limits.

We say that a property is closed under limits of shape J if whenever all objects in a J-shaped diagram have the property, any limit of this diagram also has the property.

Instances For

    We say that a property is closed under colimits of shape J if whenever all objects in a J-shaped diagram have the property, any colimit of this diagram also has the property.

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    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.Limits.closedUnderLimitsOfShape_of_limit {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {J : Type w} [Category.{w', w} J] {P : ObjectProperty C} [P.IsClosedUnderIsomorphisms] (h : ∀ {F : Functor J C} [inst : HasLimit F], (∀ (j : J), P (F.obj j))P (limit F)) :

      If a J-shaped diagram in FullSubcategory P has a limit cone in C whose cone point lives in the full subcategory, then this defines a limit in the full subcategory.

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      Instances For

        If a J-shaped diagram in FullSubcategory P has a limit in C whose cone point lives in the full subcategory, then this defines a limit in the full subcategory.

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        Instances For

          If a J-shaped diagram in FullSubcategory P has a colimit cocone in C whose cocone point lives in the full subcategory, then this defines a colimit in the full subcategory.

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          Instances For

            If a J-shaped diagram in FullSubcategory P has a colimit in C whose cocone point lives in the full subcategory, then this defines a colimit in the full subcategory.

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            Instances For

              If P is closed under limits of shape J, then the inclusion creates such limits.

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              Instances For

                If P is closed under colimits of shape J, then the inclusion creates such colimits.

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                Instances For