

The small object argument #

Let C be a category. A class of morphisms I : MorphismProperty C permits the small object argument (typeclass HasSmallObjectArgument.{w} I where w is an auxiliary universe) if there exists a regular cardinal κ : Cardinal.{w} such that IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument I κ holds. This technical condition is defined in the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument. It involves certain smallness conditions relative to w, the existence of certain colimits in C, and for each object A which is the source of a morphism in I, the Hom(A, -) functor (coyoneda.obj (op A)) should commute to transfinite compositions of pushouts of coproducts of morphisms in I (this condition is automatically satisfied for a suitable κ when A is a presentable object of C, see the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Presentable.Basic).

Main results #

Assuming I permits the small object argument, the two main results obtained in this file are:

In the context of model categories, these results are known as Quillen's small object argument (originally for J := ℕ). Actually, the more general construction by transfinite induction already appeared in the proof of the existence of enough injectives in abelian categories with AB5 and a generator by Grothendieck, who then wrote that the "proof was essentially known". Indeed, the argument appeared in Homological algebra by Cartan and Eilenberg (p. 9-10) in the case of modules, and they mention that the result was initially obtained by Baer.

Structure of the proof #

The main part in the proof is the construction of the functorial factorization. This involves a construction by transfinite induction. A general procedure for constructions by transfinite induction in categories (including the iteration of a functor) is done in the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.TransfiniteIteration. The factorization of the small object argument is obtained by doing a transfinite iteration of a specific functor Arrow C ⥤ Arrow C which is defined in the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.Construction (this definition involves coproducts and a pushout). These ingredients are combined in the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument where the main results are obtained under a IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument I κ assumption. The fact that the left lifting property with respect to a class of morphisms is stable by transfinite compositions was obtained in the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.TransfiniteCompositionLifting.

References #

A class of morphisms I : MorphismProperty C satisfies the property HasSmallObjectArgument.{w} I if it permits the small object argument, i.e. there exists a regular cardinal κ : Cardinal.{w} such that IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument I κ holds.


    When I : MorphismProperty C permits the small object argument, this is a cardinal κ such that IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument I κ holds.

    Instances For

      If I : MorphismProperty C permits the small object argument, then the class of morphism that have the left lifting property with respect to the maps that have the right lifting property with respect to I are exactly the retracts of transfinite compositions (indexed by I.smallObjectκ.ord.toType) of pushouts of coproducts of morphisms in C.

      If I : MorphismProperty C permits the small object argument, then the class of morphism that have the left lifting property with respect to the maps that have the right lifting property with respect to I are exactly the retracts of transfinite compositions of pushouts of coproducts of morphisms in C.