The small object argument #
Let C
be a category. A class of morphisms I : MorphismProperty C
permits the small object argument (typeclass HasSmallObjectArgument.{w} I
where w
is an auxiliary universe) if there exists a regular
cardinal κ : Cardinal.{w}
such that IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument I κ
holds. This technical condition is defined in the file
. It involves certain
smallness conditions relative to w
, the existence of certain colimits in C
and for each object A
which is the source of a morphism in I
the Hom(A, -)
functor (coyoneda.obj (op A)
) should commute
to transfinite compositions of pushouts of coproducts of morphisms in I
(this condition is automatically satisfied for a suitable κ
when A
is a
presentable object of C
, see the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Presentable.Basic
Main results #
Assuming I
permits the small object argument, the two main results
obtained in this file are:
- the class
of morphisms that have the left lifting property with respect to the maps that have the right lifting property with respect toI
are exactly the retracts of transfinite compositions (indexed by a suitable well ordered typeJ
) of pushouts of coproducts of morphisms inI
; - morphisms in
have a functorial factorization as a morphism
followed by a morphism inI.rlp
In the context of model categories, these results are known as Quillen's small object
argument (originally for J := ℕ
). Actually, the more general construction by
transfinite induction already appeared in the proof of the existence of enough
injectives in abelian categories with AB5 and a generator by Grothendieck, who then
wrote that the "proof was essentially known". Indeed, the argument appeared
in Homological algebra by Cartan and Eilenberg (p. 9-10) in the case of modules,
and they mention that the result was initially obtained by Baer.
Structure of the proof #
The main part in the proof is the construction of the functorial factorization.
This involves a construction by transfinite induction. A general
procedure for constructions by transfinite
induction in categories (including the iteration of a functor)
is done in the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.TransfiniteIteration
The factorization of the small object argument is obtained by doing
a transfinite iteration of a specific functor Arrow C ⥤ Arrow C
is defined in the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.Construction
(this definition
involves coproducts and a pushout). These ingredients are combined
in the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument
where the main results are obtained under a IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument I κ
assumption. The fact that the left lifting property with respect to
a class of morphisms is stable by transfinite compositions was obtained in
the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.SmallObject.TransfiniteCompositionLifting
References #
- [Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg, Homological algebra][cartan-eilenberg-1956]
- [Alexander Grothendieck, Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique][grothendieck-1957]
- [Daniel G. Quillen, Homotopical algebra][Quillen1967]
A class of morphisms I : MorphismProperty C
satisfies the property
HasSmallObjectArgument.{w} I
if it permits the small object argument,
i.e. there exists a regular cardinal κ : Cardinal.{w}
such that
IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument I κ
- exists_cardinal : ∃ (κ : Cardinal.{w}) (x : Fact κ.IsRegular) (x_1 : OrderBot κ.ord.toType), I.IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument κ
When I : MorphismProperty C
permits the small object argument,
this is a cardinal κ
such that IsCardinalForSmallObjectArgument I κ
- I.smallObjectκ = ⋯.choose
Instances For
If I : MorphismProperty C
permits the small object argument,
then the class of morphism that have the left lifting property with respect to
the maps that have the right lifting property with respect to I
exactly the retracts of transfinite compositions (indexed by I.smallObjectκ.ord.toType
of pushouts of coproducts of morphisms in C
If I : MorphismProperty C
permits the small object argument,
then the class of morphism that have the left lifting property with respect to
the maps that have the right lifting property with respect to I
exactly the retracts of transfinite compositions
of pushouts of coproducts of morphisms in C