

Dissociation and span #

This file defines dissociation and span of sets in groups. These are analogs to the usual linear independence and linear span of sets in a vector space but where the scalars are only allowed to be 0 or ±1. In characteristic 2 or 3, the two pairs of concepts are actually equivalent.

Main declarations #

def MulDissociated {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] (s : Set α) :

A set is dissociated iff all its finite subsets have different products.

This is an analog of linear independence in a vector space, but with the "scalars" restricted to 0 and ±1.

Instances For
    def AddDissociated {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] (s : Set α) :

    A set is dissociated iff all its finite subsets have different sums.

    This is an analog of linear independence in a vector space, but with the "scalars" restricted to 0 and ±1.

    Instances For
      theorem mulDissociated_iff_sum_eq_subsingleton {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] {s : Set α} :
      MulDissociated s ∀ (a : α), {t : Finset α | t s xt, x = a}.Subsingleton
      theorem addDissociated_iff_sum_eq_subsingleton {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] {s : Set α} :
      AddDissociated s ∀ (a : α), {t : Finset α | t s xt, x = a}.Subsingleton
      theorem MulDissociated.subset {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] {s t : Set α} (hst : s t) (ht : MulDissociated t) :
      theorem AddDissociated.subset {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] {s t : Set α} (hst : s t) (ht : AddDissociated t) :
      theorem mulDissociated_singleton {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] {a : α} :
      theorem addDissociated_singleton {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] {a : α} :
      theorem not_mulDissociated {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] {s : Set α} :
      ¬MulDissociated s ∃ (t : Finset α), t s ∃ (u : Finset α), u s t u xt, x = xu, x
      theorem not_addDissociated {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] {s : Set α} :
      ¬AddDissociated s ∃ (t : Finset α), t s ∃ (u : Finset α), u s t u xt, x = xu, x
      theorem not_mulDissociated_iff_exists_disjoint {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] {s : Set α} :
      ¬MulDissociated s ∃ (t : Finset α) (u : Finset α), t s u s Disjoint t u t u at, a = au, a
      theorem not_addDissociated_iff_exists_disjoint {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] {s : Set α} :
      ¬AddDissociated s ∃ (t : Finset α) (u : Finset α), t s u s Disjoint t u t u at, a = au, a
      theorem MulEquiv.mulDissociated_preimage {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [CommGroup α] [CommGroup β] {s : Set α} (e : β ≃* α) :
      theorem AddEquiv.addDissociated_preimage {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup α] [AddCommGroup β] {s : Set α} (e : β ≃+ α) :
      theorem addDissociated_neg {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] {s : Set α} :
      theorem MulDissociated.inv {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] {s : Set α} :

      Alias of the reverse direction of mulDissociated_inv.

      theorem MulDissociated.of_inv {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] {s : Set α} :

      Alias of the forward direction of mulDissociated_inv.

      theorem AddDissociated.neg {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] {s : Set α} :
      def Finset.mulSpan {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] (s : Finset α) :

      The span of a finset s is the finset of elements of the form ∏ a ∈ s, a ^ ε a where ε ∈ {-1, 0, 1} ^ s.

      This is an analog of the linear span in a vector space, but with the "scalars" restricted to 0 and ±1.

      Instances For
        def Finset.addSpan {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] (s : Finset α) :

        The span of a finset s is the finset of elements of the form ∑ a ∈ s, ε a • a where ε ∈ {-1, 0, 1} ^ s.

        This is an analog of the linear span in a vector space, but with the "scalars" restricted to 0 and ±1.

        Instances For
          theorem Finset.mem_mulSpan {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] {s : Finset α} {a : α} :
          a s.mulSpan ∃ (ε : α), (∀ (a : α), ε a = -1 ε a = 0 ε a = 1) as, a ^ ε a = a
          theorem Finset.mem_addSpan {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] {s : Finset α} {a : α} :
          a s.addSpan ∃ (ε : α), (∀ (a : α), ε a = -1 ε a = 0 ε a = 1) as, ε a a = a
          theorem Finset.subset_mulSpan {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] {s : Finset α} :
          theorem Finset.subset_addSpan {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] {s : Finset α} :
          theorem Finset.prod_div_prod_mem_mulSpan {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] {s t u : Finset α} (ht : t s) (hu : u s) :
          (∏ at, a) / au, a s.mulSpan
          theorem Finset.sum_sub_sum_mem_addSpan {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] {s t u : Finset α} (ht : t s) (hu : u s) :
          at, a - au, a s.addSpan
          theorem Finset.exists_subset_mulSpan_card_le_of_forall_mulDissociated {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] {s : Finset α} {d : } (hs : s's, MulDissociated s's'.card d) :
          s's, s'.card d s s'.mulSpan

          If every dissociated subset of s has size at most d, then s is actually generated by a subset of size at most d.

          This is a dissociation analog of the fact that a set whose linearly independent subsets all have size at most d is of dimension at most d itself.

          theorem Finset.exists_subset_addSpan_card_le_of_forall_addDissociated {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] [DecidableEq α] [Fintype α] {s : Finset α} {d : } (hs : s's, AddDissociated s's'.card d) :
          s's, s'.card d s s'.addSpan

          If every dissociated subset of s has size at most d, then s is actually generated by a subset of size at most d.

          This is a dissociation analog of the fact that a set whose linearly independent subspaces all have size at most d is of dimension at most d itself.