Condensed Objects #
This file defines the category of condensed objects in a category C
, following the work
of Clausen-Scholze and Barwick-Haine.
Implementation Details #
We use the coherent Grothendieck topology on CompHaus
, and define condensed objects in C
be C
-valued sheaves, with respect to this Grothendieck topology.
Note: Our definition more closely resembles "Pyknotic objects" in the sense of Barwick-Haine, as we do not impose cardinality bounds, and manage universes carefully instead.
References #
- [barwickhaine2019]: Pyknotic objects, I. Basic notions, 2019.
- [scholze2019condensed]: Lectures on Condensed Mathematics, 2019.
Condensed.{u} C
is the category of condensed objects in a category C
, which are
defined as sheaves on CompHaus.{u}
with respect to the coherent Grothendieck topology.
Instances For
@[reducible, inline]
Condensed sets (types) with the appropriate universe levels, i.e. Type (u+1)
sheaves on CompHaus.{u}
- CondensedSet = Condensed (Type (?u.3 + 1))
Instances For
{C : Type w}
[CategoryTheory.Category.{v, w} C]
{X Y Z : Condensed C}
(f : X ⟶ Y)
(g : Y ⟶ Z)