Equivalences between Fintype
, Fin
and Finite
This file defines the bijection between a Fintype α
and Fin (Fintype.card α)
, and uses this to
relate Fintype
with Finite
. From that we can derive properties of Finite
and Infinite
and show some instances of Infinite
Main declarations #
: A fintypeα
is computably equivalent toFin (card α)
. TheTrunc
-free, noncomputable version isFintype.equivFin
: Two fintypes of same cardinality are equivalent. See above.Fin.equiv_iff_eq
:Fin m ≃ Fin n
iffm = n
: An embedding ofℕ
into an infinite type.
Types which have an injection from/a surjection to an Infinite
type are themselves Infinite
See Infinite.of_injective
and Infinite.of_surjective
Instances #
We provide Infinite
instances for
There is (computably) an equivalence between α
and Fin (card α)
Since it is not unique and depends on which permutation
of the universe list is used, the equivalence is wrapped in Trunc
preserve computability.
See Fintype.equivFin
for the noncomputable version,
and Fintype.truncEquivFinOfCardEq
and Fintype.equivFinOfCardEq
for an equiv α ≃ Fin n
given Fintype.card α = n
See Fintype.truncFinBijection
for a version without [DecidableEq α]
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
There is (noncomputably) an equivalence between α
and Fin (card α)
See Fintype.truncEquivFin
for the computable version,
and Fintype.truncEquivFinOfCardEq
and Fintype.equivFinOfCardEq
for an equiv α ≃ Fin n
given Fintype.card α = n
Instances For
There is (computably) a bijection between Fin (card α)
and α
Since it is not unique and depends on which permutation
of the universe list is used, the bijection is wrapped in Trunc
preserve computability.
See Fintype.truncEquivFin
for a version that gives an equivalence
given [DecidableEq α]
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
If the cardinality of α
is n
, there is computably a bijection between α
and Fin n
See Fintype.equivFinOfCardEq
for the noncomputable definition,
and Fintype.truncEquivFin
and Fintype.equivFin
for the bijection α ≃ Fin (card α)
- Fintype.truncEquivFinOfCardEq h = Trunc.map (fun (e : α ≃ Fin (Fintype.card α)) => e.trans (finCongr h)) (Fintype.truncEquivFin α)
Instances For
If the cardinality of α
is n
, there is noncomputably a bijection between α
and Fin n
See Fintype.truncEquivFinOfCardEq
for the computable definition,
and Fintype.truncEquivFin
and Fintype.equivFin
for the bijection α ≃ Fin (card α)
Instances For
Two Fintype
s with the same cardinality are (computably) in bijection.
See Fintype.equivOfCardEq
for the noncomputable version,
and Fintype.truncEquivFinOfCardEq
and Fintype.equivFinOfCardEq
the specialization to Fin
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Two Fintype
s with the same cardinality are (noncomputably) in bijection.
See Fintype.truncEquivOfCardEq
for the computable version,
and Fintype.truncEquivFinOfCardEq
and Fintype.equivFinOfCardEq
the specialization to Fin
Instances For
Relation to Finite
In this section we prove that α : Type*
is Finite
if and only if Fintype α
is nonempty.
Construct an equivalence from functions that are inverse to each other.
- Equiv.ofLeftInverseOfCardLE hβα f g h = { toFun := f, invFun := g, left_inv := h, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
Construct an equivalence from functions that are inverse to each other.
- Equiv.ofRightInverseOfCardLE hαβ f g h = { toFun := f, invFun := g, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := h }
Instances For
An embedding from a Fintype
to itself can be promoted to an equivalence.
Instances For
Alias of Function.Embedding.equivOfFiniteSelfEmbedding
An embedding from a Fintype
to itself can be promoted to an equivalence.
Instances For
Alias of Function.Embedding.toEmbedding_equivOfFiniteSelfEmbedding
On a finite type, equivalence between the self-embeddings and the bijections.
- Equiv.embeddingEquivOfFinite α = { toFun := fun (e : α ↪ α) => e.equivOfFiniteSelfEmbedding, invFun := fun (e : α ≃ α) => e.toEmbedding, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
A constructive embedding of a fintype α
in another fintype β
when card α ≤ card β
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A non-infinite type is a fintype.
Instances For
Any type is (classically) either a Fintype
, or Infinite
One can obtain the relevant typeclasses via cases fintypeOrInfinite α
- fintypeOrInfinite α = if h : Infinite α then PSum.inr h else PSum.inl (fintypeOfNotInfinite h)
Instances For
If s : Set α
is a proper subset of α
and f : α → s
is injective, then α
is infinite.
If s : Set α
is a proper subset of α
and f : s → α
is surjective, then α
is infinite.
Embedding of ℕ
into an infinite type.
- Infinite.natEmbedding α = { toFun := Infinite.natEmbeddingAux✝ α, inj' := ⋯ }