Relative Algebraic Closure #
In this file we construct the relative algebraic closure of a field extension.
Main Definitions #
algebraicClosure F E
is the relative algebraic closure (i.e. the maximal algebraic subextension) of the field extensionE / F
, which is defined to be the integral closure ofF
The relative algebraic closure of a field F
in a field extension E
also called the maximal algebraic subextension of E / F
is defined to be the subalgebra integralClosure F E
upgraded to an intermediate field (since F
and E
are both fields).
This is exactly the intermediate field of E / F
consisting of all integral/algebraic elements.
Instances For
If i
is an F
-algebra homomorphism from E
to K
, then i x
is contained in
algebraicClosure F K
if and only if x
is contained in algebraicClosure F E
If i
is an F
-algebra homomorphism from E
to K
, then the preimage of
algebraicClosure F K
under the map i
is equal to algebraicClosure F E
If i
is an F
-algebra homomorphism from E
to K
, then the image of algebraicClosure F E
under the map i
is contained in algebraicClosure F K
If K / E / F
is a field extension tower, such that K / E
has no non-trivial algebraic
subextensions (this means that it is purely transcendental),
then the image of algebraicClosure F E
in K
is equal to algebraicClosure F K
If i
is an F
-algebra isomorphism of E
and K
, then the image of algebraicClosure F E
under the map i
is equal to algebraicClosure F K
If E
and K
are isomorphic as F
-algebras, then algebraicClosure F E
algebraicClosure F K
are also isomorphic as F
Instances For
Alias of algebraicClosure.algEquivOfAlgEquiv
If E
and K
are isomorphic as F
-algebras, then algebraicClosure F E
algebraicClosure F K
are also isomorphic as F
Instances For
The algebraic closure of F
in E
is algebraic over F
The algebraic closure of F
in E
is the integral closure of F
in E
An intermediate field of E / F
is contained in the algebraic closure of F
in E
if all of its elements are algebraic over F
An intermediate field of E / F
is contained in the algebraic closure of F
in E
if it is algebraic over F
An intermediate field of E / F
is contained in the algebraic closure of F
in E
if and only if it is algebraic over F
If E / F
is a field extension and E
is algebraically closed, then the algebraic closure
of F
in E
is equal to F
if and only if F
is algebraically closed.
If E
is algebraically closed, then the algebraic closure of F
in E
is an absolute
algebraic closure of F
If K / E / F
is a field extension tower, then algebraicClosure F K
is contained in
algebraicClosure E K
If K / E / F
is a field extension tower, such that E / F
is algebraic, then
algebraicClosure F K
is equal to algebraicClosure E K
If K / E / F
is a field extension tower, then E
adjoin algebraicClosure F K
is contained
in algebraicClosure E K
Let E / F
be a field extension. If a polynomial p
splits in E
, then it splits in the relative algebraic closure of F
in E