

Galois Group as a profinite group #

In this file, we prove that given a field extension K/k, there is a continuous isomorphism between Gal(K/k) and the limit of Gal(L/k), where L is a finite Galois intermediate field ordered by inverse inclusion, thus making Gal(K/k) profinite as a limit of finite groups.

Main definitions and results #

In a field extension K/k

The (finite) Galois group Gal(L / k) associated to a L : FiniteGaloisIntermediateField k K L.

Instances For
    noncomputable def finGaloisGroupMap {k : Type u_1} {K : Type u_2} [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] {L₁ L₂ : (FiniteGaloisIntermediateField k K)ᵒᵖ} (le : L₁ L₂) :

    For FiniteGaloisIntermediateField s L₁ and L₂ with L₂ ≤ L₁ the restriction homomorphism from Gal(L₁/k) to Gal(L₂/k)

    Instances For

      The functor from FiniteGaloisIntermediateField (ordered by reverse inclusion) to FiniteGrp, mapping each FiniteGaloisIntermediateField L to Gal (L/k)

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      Instances For

        The homomorphism from Gal(K/k) to lim Gal(L/k) where L is a FiniteGaloisIntermediateField k K ordered by inverse inclusion. It is induced by the canonical projections from Gal(K/k) to Gal(L/k).

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        Instances For

          The projection map from lim Gal(L/k) to a specific Gal(L/k).

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          Instances For
            theorem InfiniteGalois.proj_of_le {k : Type u_3} {K : Type u_4} [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] (L : FiniteGaloisIntermediateField k K) (g : (ProfiniteGrp.limit (asProfiniteGaloisGroupFunctor k K)).toProfinite.toTop) (x : L.toIntermediateField) (L' : FiniteGaloisIntermediateField k K) (h : L L') :
            (((proj L) g) x) = (((proj L') g) x, )
            noncomputable def InfiniteGalois.limitToAlgEquiv {k : Type u_3} {K : Type u_4} [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] (g : (ProfiniteGrp.limit (asProfiniteGaloisGroupFunctor k K)).toProfinite.toTop) :

            toAlgEquivAux as an AlgEquiv. It is done by using above lifting lemmas on bigger FiniteGaloisIntermediateField.

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            Instances For

              algEquivToLimit as a MulEquiv.

              Instances For

                The ContinuousMulEquiv between K ≃ₐ[k] K and lim Gal(L/k) where L is a FiniteGaloisIntermediateField ordered by inverse inclusion, obtained from InfiniteGalois.mulEquivToLimit

                Instances For
                  noncomputable def InfiniteGalois.profiniteGalGrp (k : Type u_3) (K : Type u_4) [Field k] [Field K] [Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] :

                  Gal(K/k) as a profinite group as there is a ContinuousMulEquiv to a ProfiniteGrp given above

                  Instances For