

Linearly disjoint fields #

This file contains basics about the linearly disjoint fields. We adapt the definitions in See the file Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/LinearDisjoint.lean and Mathlib/RingTheory/LinearDisjoint.lean for details.

Main definitions #

Implementation notes #

The Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint is stated for two Subalgebras. The original design of IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint is also stated for two IntermediateFields (see IntermediateField.linearDisjoint_iff' for the original statement). But it's probably useful if one of them can be generalized to an abstract field (see This leads to the current design of IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint which is for one IntermediateField and one abstract field. It is not generalized to two abstract fields as this will break the dot notation.

Main results #

Equivalent characterization of linear disjointness #

Equivalent characterization by IsDomain or IsField of tensor product #

The following results are related to the equivalent characterizations in

Other main results #

Tags #

linearly disjoint, linearly independent, tensor product

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (A : IntermediateField F E) (L : Type w) [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] :

If A is an intermediate field of E / F, and E / L / F is a field extension tower, then A and L are linearly disjoint, if they are linearly disjoint as subalgebras of E (Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint).

Instances For

    Two intermediate fields are linearly disjoint if and only if they are linearly disjoint as subalgebras.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.symm {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) :

    Linear disjointness is symmetric.

    theorem IntermediateField.linearDisjoint_comm {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} :

    Linear disjointness is symmetric.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.symm' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] {L' : Type u_1} [Field L'] [Algebra F L'] [Algebra L' E] [IsScalarTower F L' E] (H : (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom F L E).fieldRange.LinearDisjoint L') :

    Linear disjointness is symmetric.

    theorem IntermediateField.linearDisjoint_comm' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] {L' : Type u_1} [Field L'] [Algebra F L'] [Algebra L' E] [IsScalarTower F L' E] :

    Linear disjointness is symmetric.

    theorem {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) {K : Type u_1} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (f : E →ₐ[F] K) :

    Linear disjointness of intermediate fields is preserved by algebra homomorphisms.

    theorem' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) (K : Type u_1) [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra L K] [IsScalarTower F L K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] [IsScalarTower L E K] :

    Linear disjointness of an intermediate field with a tower of field embeddings is preserved by algebra homomorphisms.

    theorem'' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] {L' : Type u_1} [Field L'] [Algebra F L'] [Algebra L' E] [IsScalarTower F L' E] (H : (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom F L E).fieldRange.LinearDisjoint L') (K : Type u_2) [Field K] [Algebra F K] [Algebra L K] [IsScalarTower F L K] [Algebra L' K] [IsScalarTower F L' K] [Algebra E K] [IsScalarTower F E K] [IsScalarTower L E K] [IsScalarTower L' E K] :

    Linear disjointness is preserved by algebra homomorphism.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.bot_left (F : Type u) (E : Type v) [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] (L : Type w) [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] :
    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.linearIndependent_left {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) {ι : Type u_1} {a : ιA} (ha : LinearIndependent F a) :

    If A and L are linearly disjoint, then any F-linearly independent family on A remains linearly independent over L.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_basis_left {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] {ι : Type u_1} (a : Basis ι F A) (H : LinearIndependent L (A.val a)) :

    If there exists an F-basis of A which remains linearly independent over L, then A and L are linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.linearIndependent_right {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) {ι : Type u_1} {b : ιB} (hb : LinearIndependent F b) :
    LinearIndependent (↥A) (B.val b)

    If A and B are linearly disjoint, then any F-linearly independent family on B remains linearly independent over A.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_basis_right {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} {ι : Type u_1} (b : Basis ι F B) (H : LinearIndependent (↥A) (B.val b)) :

    If there exists an F-basis of B which remains linearly independent over A, then A and B are linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.linearIndependent_right' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) {ι : Type u_1} {b : ιL} (hb : LinearIndependent F b) :
    LinearIndependent (↥A) ((algebraMap L E) b)

    If A and L are linearly disjoint, then any F-linearly independent family on L remains linearly independent over A.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_basis_right' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] {ι : Type u_1} (b : Basis ι F L) (H : LinearIndependent (↥A) ((algebraMap L E) b)) :

    If there exists an F-basis of L which remains linearly independent over A, then A and L are linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.linearIndependent_mul {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) {κ : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} {a : κA} {b : ιB} (ha : LinearIndependent F a) (hb : LinearIndependent F b) :
    LinearIndependent F fun (i : κ × ι) => (a i.1) * (b i.2)

    If A and B are linearly disjoint, then for any F-linearly independent families { u_i }, { v_j } of A, B, the products { u_i * v_j } are linearly independent over F.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.linearIndependent_mul' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) {κ : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} {a : κA} {b : ιL} (ha : LinearIndependent F a) (hb : LinearIndependent F b) :
    LinearIndependent F fun (i : κ × ι) => (a i.1) * (algebraMap L E) (b i.2)

    If A and L are linearly disjoint, then for any F-linearly independent families { u_i }, { v_j } of A, L, the products { u_i * v_j } are linearly independent over F.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_basis_mul {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} {κ : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} (a : Basis κ F A) (b : Basis ι F B) (H : LinearIndependent F fun (i : κ × ι) => (a i.1) * (b i.2)) :

    If there are F-bases { u_i }, { v_j } of A, B, such that the products { u_i * v_j } are linearly independent over F, then A and B are linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_basis_mul' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] {κ : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} (a : Basis κ F A) (b : Basis ι F L) (H : LinearIndependent F fun (i : κ × ι) => (a i.1) * (algebraMap L E) (b i.2)) :

    If there are F-bases { u_i }, { v_j } of A, L, such that the products { u_i * v_j } are linearly independent over F, then A and L are linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_le_left {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] {A' : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) (h : A' A) :
    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_le_right {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B B' : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) (h : B' B) :
    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_le_right' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) (L' : Type u_1) [Field L'] [Algebra F L'] [Algebra L' L] [IsScalarTower F L' L] [Algebra L' E] [IsScalarTower F L' E] [IsScalarTower L' L E] :

    Similar to IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_le_right but this is for abstract fields.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_le {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B A' B' : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) (hA : A' A) (hB : B' B) :

    If A and B are linearly disjoint, A' and B' are contained in A and B, respectively, then A' and B' are also linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_le' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] {A' : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) (hA : A' A) (L' : Type u_1) [Field L'] [Algebra F L'] [Algebra L' L] [IsScalarTower F L' L] [Algebra L' E] [IsScalarTower F L' E] [IsScalarTower L' L E] :

    Similar to IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_le but this is for abstract fields.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.inf_eq_bot {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) :
    A B =

    If A and B are linearly disjoint over F, then their intersection is equal to F.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.eq_bot_of_self {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint A) :
    A =

    If A and A itself are linearly disjoint over F, then it is equal to F.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.rank_sup {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) :
    Module.rank F ↥(A B) = Module.rank F A * Module.rank F B

    If A and B are linearly disjoint over F, then the rank of A ⊔ B is equal to the product of that of A and B.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.finrank_sup {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A B : IntermediateField F E} (H : A.LinearDisjoint B) :

    If A and B are linearly disjoint over F, then the Module.finrank of A ⊔ B is equal to the product of that of A and B.

    If A and B are finite extensions of F, such that rank of A ⊔ B is equal to the product of the rank of A and B, then A and B are linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_finrank_coprime {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : (Module.finrank F A).Coprime (Module.finrank F L)) :

    If A and L have coprime degree over F, then they are linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.isDomain {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) :
    IsDomain (TensorProduct F (↥A) L)

    If A and L are linearly disjoint over F, then A ⊗[F] L is a domain.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.isDomain' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [Field A] [Algebra F A] [Field B] [Algebra F B] {fa : A →ₐ[F] E} {fb : B →ₐ[F] E} (H : fa.fieldRange.LinearDisjoint fb.fieldRange) :

    If A and B are field extensions of F, there exists a field extension E of F that A and B embed into with linearly disjoint images, then A ⊗[F] B is a domain.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_isField {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : IsField (TensorProduct F (↥A) L)) :

    If A ⊗[F] L is a field, then A and L are linearly disjoint over F.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.of_isField' {F : Type u} [Field F] {A : Type v} [Field A] {B : Type w} [Field B] [Algebra F A] [Algebra F B] (H : IsField (TensorProduct F A B)) {K : Type u_1} [Field K] [Algebra F K] (fa : A →ₐ[F] K) (fb : B →ₐ[F] K) :

    If A and B are field extensions of F, such that A ⊗[F] B is a field, then for any field extension of F that A and B embed into, their images are linearly disjoint.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.exists_field_of_isDomain (F : Type u) [Field F] (A : Type v) [Field A] (B : Type w) [Field B] [Algebra F A] [Algebra F B] [IsDomain (TensorProduct F A B)] :
    ∃ (K : Type (max v w)) (x : Field K) (x_1 : Algebra F K) (fa : A →ₐ[F] K) (fb : B →ₐ[F] K), fa.fieldRange.LinearDisjoint fb.fieldRange

    If A and B are field extensions of F, such that A ⊗[F] B is a domain, then there exists a field extension of F that A and B embed into with linearly disjoint images.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.isField_of_forall (F : Type u) [Field F] (A : Type v) [Field A] (B : Type w) [Field B] [Algebra F A] [Algebra F B] (H : ∀ (K : Type (max v w)) [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : Algebra F K] (fa : A →ₐ[F] K) (fb : B →ₐ[F] K), fa.fieldRange.LinearDisjoint fb.fieldRange) :

    If for any field extension K of F that A and B embed into, their images are linearly disjoint, then A ⊗[F] B is a field. (In the proof we choose K to be the quotient of A ⊗[F] B by a maximal ideal.)

    If E and K are field extensions of F, one of them is algebraic, such that E ⊗[F] K is a domain, then E ⊗[F] K is also a field. It is a corollary of Subalgebra.LinearDisjoint.exists_field_of_isDomain_of_injective and IntermediateField.sup_toSubalgebra_of_isAlgebraic. See Algebra.TensorProduct.isAlgebraic_of_isField for its converse (in an earlier file).

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.isField_of_isAlgebraic {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) (halg : Algebra.IsAlgebraic F A Algebra.IsAlgebraic F L) :
    IsField (TensorProduct F (↥A) L)

    If A and L are linearly disjoint over F and one of them is algebraic, then A ⊗[F] L is a field.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.isField_of_isAlgebraic' {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [Field A] [Algebra F A] [Field B] [Algebra F B] {fa : A →ₐ[F] E} {fb : B →ₐ[F] E} (H : fa.fieldRange.LinearDisjoint fb.fieldRange) (halg : Algebra.IsAlgebraic F A Algebra.IsAlgebraic F B) :

    If A and B are field extensions of F, one of them is algebraic, such that there exists a field E that A and B embeds into with linearly disjoint images, then A ⊗[F] B is a field.

    theorem IntermediateField.LinearDisjoint.algEquiv_of_isAlgebraic {F : Type u} {E : Type v} [Field F] [Field E] [Algebra F E] {A : IntermediateField F E} {L : Type w} [Field L] [Algebra F L] [Algebra L E] [IsScalarTower F L E] (H : A.LinearDisjoint L) {E' : Type u_1} [Field E'] [Algebra F E'] (B : IntermediateField F E') (L' : Type u_2) [Field L'] [Algebra F L'] [Algebra L' E'] [IsScalarTower F L' E'] (f1 : A ≃ₐ[F] B) (f2 : L ≃ₐ[F] L') (halg : Algebra.IsAlgebraic F A Algebra.IsAlgebraic F L) :

    If A and L are linearly disjoint, one of them is algebraic, then for any B and L' isomorphic to A and L respectively, B and L' are also linearly disjoint.