Pushouts of Monoids and Groups #
This file defines wide pushouts of monoids and groups and proves some properties of the amalgamated product of groups (i.e. the special case where all the maps in the diagram are injective).
Main definitions #
: the pushout of a diagram of monoids indexed by a typeι
: the map from the amalgamating monoid to the pushoutMonoid.PushoutI.of
: the map from each Monoid in the family to the pushoutMonoid.PushoutI.lift
: the universal property used to define homomorphisms out of the pushout.Monoid.PushoutI.NormalWord
: a normal form for words in the pushoutMonoid.PushoutI.of_injective
: if all the maps in the diagram are injective in a pushout of groups then so isof
: For any wordw
in the coproduct, ifw
is reduced (i.e none its letters are in the image of the base monoid), and nonempty, thenw
itself is not in the image of the base monoid.
References #
- The normal form theorem follows these notes from Queen Mary University
Tags #
amalgamated product, pushout, group
The relation we quotient by to form the pushout
- Monoid.PushoutI.con φ = conGen fun (x y : Monoid.Coprod (Monoid.CoprodI G) H) => ∃ (i : ι) (x' : H), x = Monoid.Coprod.inl (Monoid.CoprodI.of ((φ i) x')) ∧ y = Monoid.Coprod.inr x'
Instances For
- Monoid.PushoutI.monoid = Monoid.mk ⋯ ⋯ Monoid.npow ⋯ ⋯
Define a homomorphism out of the pushout of monoids be defining it on each object in the diagram
- Monoid.PushoutI.lift f k hf = (Monoid.PushoutI.con φ).lift (Monoid.Coprod.lift (Monoid.CoprodI.lift f) k) ⋯
Instances For
The equivalence that is part of the universal property of the pushout. A hom out of the pushout is just a morphism out of all groups in the pushout that satisfies a commutativity condition.
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Instances For
The data we need to pick a normal form for words in the pushout. We need to pick a canonical element of each coset. We also need all the maps in the diagram to be injective
- injective (i : ι) : Function.Injective ⇑(φ i)
All maps in the diagram are injective
- set (i : ι) : Set (G i)
The underlying set, containing exactly one element of each coset of the base group
The chosen element of the base group itself is the identity
- compl (i : ι) : Subgroup.IsComplement (↑(φ i).range) (self.set i)
We have exactly one element of each coset of the base group
Instances For
The normal form for words in the pushout. Every element of the pushout is the product of an element of the base group and a word made up of letters each of which is in the transversal.
- head : H
is the product of an element of the base group and a word made up of letters each of which is in the transversal.head
is that element of the base group. All letter in the word are in the transversal.
Instances For
A Pair d i
is a word in the coproduct, Coprod G
, the tail
, and an element of the group G i
the head
. The first letter of the tail
must not be an element of G i
Note that the head
may be 1
Every letter in the tail
must be in the transversal given by d
Similar to Monoid.CoprodI.Pair
except every letter must be in the transversal
(not including the head letter).
- head : G i
All letters in the word are in the transversal.
Instances For
The empty normalized word, representing the identity element of the group.
- Monoid.PushoutI.NormalWord.empty = { toWord := Monoid.CoprodI.Word.empty, head := 1, normalized := ⋯ }
Instances For
- Monoid.PushoutI.NormalWord.instInhabitedPair i = { default := let __src := Monoid.PushoutI.NormalWord.empty; { head := 1, tail := __src.1, fstIdx_ne := ⋯, normalized := ⋯ } }
Take the product of a normal word as an element of the PushoutI
. We show that this is
bijective, in NormalWord.equiv
- w.prod = (Monoid.PushoutI.base φ) w.head * Monoid.PushoutI.ofCoprodI w.prod
Instances For
A constructor that multiplies a NormalWord
by an element, with condition to make
sure the underlying list does get longer.
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Instances For
Given a word in CoprodI
, if every letter is in the transversal and when
we multiply by an element of the base group it still has this property,
then the element of the base group we multiplied by was one.
Given a pair (head, tail)
, we can form a word by prepending head
to tail
, but
putting head into normal form first, by making sure it is expressed as an element
of the base group multiplied by an element of the transversal.
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Instances For
The equivalence between NormalWord
s and pairs. We can turn a NormalWord
into a
pair by taking the head of the List
if it is in G i
and multiplying it by the element of the
base group.
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Instances For
Induction principle for NormalWord
, that corresponds closely to inducting on
the underlying list.
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Instances For
The equivalence between normal forms and elements of the pushout
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Instances For
All maps into the PushoutI
, or amalgamated product of groups are injective,
provided all maps in the diagram are injective.
See also base_injective
A word in CoprodI
is reduced if none of its letters are in the base group.
Instances For
For any word w
in the coproduct,
if w
is reduced (i.e none its letters are in the image of the base monoid), and nonempty, then
itself is not in the image of the base group.
The intersection of the images of the maps from any two distinct groups in the diagram into the amalgamated product is the image of the map from the base group in the diagram.