

Everywhere positive sets in measure spaces #

A set s in a topological space with a measure μ is everywhere positive (also called self-supporting) if any neighborhood n of any point of s satisfies μ (s ∩ n) > 0.

Main definitions and results #

The latter two statements have also versions when μ is inner regular for finite measure sets, assuming additionally that s has finite measure.

A set s is everywhere positive (also called self-supporting) with respect to a measure μ if it has positive measure around each of its points, i.e., if all neighborhoods n of points of s satisfy μ (s ∩ n) > 0.

Instances For

    The everywhere positive subset of a set is the subset made of those points all of whose neighborhoods have positive measure inside the set.

    Instances For

      The everywhere positive subset of a set is obtained by removing an open set.

      Any compact set contained in s \ μ.everywherePosSubset s has zero measure.

      In a space with an inner regular measure, any measurable set coincides almost everywhere with its everywhere positive subset.

      In a space with an inner regular measure for finite measure sets, any measurable set of finite measure coincides almost everywhere with its everywhere positive subset.

      In a space with an inner regular measure, the everywhere positive subset of a measurable set is itself everywhere positive. This is not obvious as μ.everywherePosSubset s is defined as the points whose neighborhoods intersect s along positive measure subsets, but this does not say they also intersect μ.everywherePosSubset s along positive measure subsets.

      In a space with an inner regular measure for finite measure sets, the everywhere positive subset of a measurable set of finite measure is itself everywhere positive. This is not obvious as μ.everywherePosSubset s is defined as the points whose neighborhoods intersect s along positive measure subsets, but this does not say they also intersect μ.everywherePosSubset s along positive measure subsets.

      theorem MeasureTheory.Measure.IsEverywherePos.smul_measure {α : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace α] [MeasurableSpace α] {μ : Measure α} {s : Set α} (hs : μ.IsEverywherePos s) {c : ENNReal} (hc : c 0) :
      theorem MeasureTheory.Measure.IsEverywherePos.of_forall_exists_nhds_eq {α : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace α] [MeasurableSpace α] {μ ν : Measure α} {s : Set α} (hs : μ.IsEverywherePos s) (h : xs, tnhds x, ut, ν u = μ u) :

      If two measures coincide locally, then a set which is everywhere positive for the former is also everywhere positive for the latter.

      theorem MeasureTheory.Measure.isEverywherePos_iff_of_forall_exists_nhds_eq {α : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace α] [MeasurableSpace α] {μ ν : Measure α} {s : Set α} (h : xs, tnhds x, ut, ν u = μ u) :

      If two measures coincide locally, then a set is everywhere positive for the former iff it is everywhere positive for the latter.

      An open set is everywhere positive for a measure which is positive on open sets.

      If a compact closed set is everywhere positive with respect to a left-invariant measure on a topological group, then it is a Gδ set. This is nontrivial, as there is no second-countability or metrizability assumption in the statement, so a general compact closed set has no reason to be a countable intersection of open sets.

      Halmos' theorem: Haar measure is completion regular. More precisely, any finite measure set can be approximated from inside by a level set of a continuous function with compact support.