Diophantine Approximation #
The first part of this file gives proofs of various versions of Dirichlet's approximation theorem and its important consequence that when $\xi$ is an irrational real number, then there are infinitely many rationals $x/y$ (in lowest terms) such that $$\left|\xi - \frac{x}{y}\right| < \frac{1}{y^2} \,.$$ The proof is based on the pigeonhole principle.
The second part of the file gives a proof of Legendre's Theorem on rational approximation, which states that if $\xi$ is a real number and $x/y$ is a rational number such that $$\left|\xi - \frac{x}{y}\right| < \frac{1}{2y^2} \,,$$ then $x/y$ must be a convergent of the continued fraction expansion of $\xi$.
Main statements #
The main results are three variants of Dirichlet's approximation theorem:
, which states that for all realξ
and natural0 < n
, there are integersj
with0 < k ≤ n
and|k*ξ - j| ≤ 1/(n+1)
, which replacesj
and uses a natural numberk
, which says that there is a rational numberq
satisfying|ξ - q| ≤ 1/((n+1)*q.den)
andq.den ≤ n
, which states that for irrationalξ
, the set{q : ℚ | |ξ - q| < 1/q.den^2}
is infinite.
We also show a converse,
, which states that the set above is finite whenξ
is a rational number.
Both statements are combined to give an equivalence,
There are two versions of Legendre's Theorem. One, Real.exists_rat_eq_convergent
, uses
, a simple recursive definition of the convergents that is also defined
in this file, whereas the other, Real.exists_convs_eq_rat
defined in the file
, uses
of GenContFract.of ξ
Implementation notes #
We use the namespace Real
for the results on real numbers and Rat
for the results
on rational numbers. We introduce a secondary namespace real.contfrac_legendre
to separate off a definition and some technical auxiliary lemmas used in the proof
of Legendre's Theorem. For remarks on the proof of Legendre's Theorem, see below.
References #
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirichlet%27s_approximation_theorem https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettenbruch (The German Wikipedia page on continued fractions is much more extensive than the English one.)
Tags #
Diophantine approximation, Dirichlet's approximation theorem, continued fraction
Dirichlet's approximation theorem #
We show that for any real number ξ
and positive natural n
, there is a fraction q
such that q.den ≤ n
and |ξ - q| ≤ 1/((n+1)*q.den)
Dirichlet's approximation theorem:
For any real number ξ
and positive natural n
, there are integers j
and k
with 0 < k ≤ n
and |k*ξ - j| ≤ 1/(n+1)
See also Real.exists_nat_abs_mul_sub_round_le
Dirichlet's approximation theorem:
For any real number ξ
and positive natural n
, there is a natural number k
with 0 < k ≤ n
such that |k*ξ - round(k*ξ)| ≤ 1/(n+1)
Dirichlet's approximation theorem:
For any real number ξ
and positive natural n
, there is a fraction q
such that q.den ≤ n
and |ξ - q| ≤ 1/((n+1)*q.den)
See also AddCircle.exists_norm_nsmul_le
Infinitely many good approximations to irrational numbers #
We show that an irrational real number ξ
has infinitely many "good rational approximations",
i.e., fractions x/y
in lowest terms such that |ξ - x/y| < 1/y^2
Given any rational approximation q
to the irrational real number ξ
, there is
a good rational approximation q'
such that |ξ - q'| < |ξ - q|
Finitely many good approximations to rational numbers #
We now show that a rational number ξ
has only finitely many good rational
Legendre's Theorem on Rational Approximation #
We prove Legendre's Theorem on rational approximation: If $\xi$ is a real number and $x/y$ is a rational number such that $|\xi - x/y| < 1/(2y^2)$, then $x/y$ is a convergent of the continued fraction expansion of $\xi$.
The proof is by induction. However, the induction proof does not work with the statement as given, since the assumption is too weak to imply the corresponding statement for the application of the induction hypothesis. This can be remedied by making the statement slightly stronger. Namely, we assume that $|\xi - x/y| < 1/(y(2y-1))$ when $y \ge 2$ and $-\frac{1}{2} < \xi - x < 1$ when $y = 1$.
Convergents: definition and API lemmas #
We give a direct recursive definition of the convergents of the continued fraction
expansion of a real number ξ
. The main reason for that is that we want to have the
convergents as rational numbers; the versions (GenContFract.of ξ).convs
(GenContFract.of ξ).convs'
always give something of the same type as ξ
We can then also use dot notation ξ.convergent n
Another minor reason is that this demonstrates that the proof
of Legendre's theorem does not need anything beyond this definition.
We provide a proof that this definition agrees with the other one;
see Real.convs_eq_convergent
(Note that we use the fact that 1/0 = 0
here to make it work for rational ξ
- x✝.convergent 0 = ↑⌊x✝⌋
- x✝.convergent n.succ = ↑⌊x✝⌋ + ((Int.fract x✝)⁻¹.convergent n)⁻¹
Instances For
The zeroth convergent of ξ
is ⌊ξ⌋
The (n+1)
th convergent of ξ
is the n
th convergent of 1/(fract ξ)
All convergents of 0
are zero.
If ξ
is an integer, all its convergents equal ξ
The key technical condition for the induction proof #
The main result #
The technical version of Legendre's Theorem.
The main result, Legendre's Theorem on rational approximation:
if ξ
is a real number and q
is a rational number such that |ξ - q| < 1/(2*q.den^2)
then q
is a convergent of the continued fraction expansion of ξ
This version uses Real.convergent