Finiteness results on filter bases #
A filter basis B : FilterBasis α
on a type α
is a nonempty collection of sets of α
such that the intersection of two elements of this collection contains some element of
the collection.
The smallest filter basis containing a given collection of sets.
Instances For
{α : Type u_1}
{I : Type u_7}
[Finite I]
{l : I → Filter α}
{ι : I → Sort u_6}
{p : (i : I) → ι i → Prop}
{s : (i : I) → ι i → Set α}
(hd : Pairwise (Function.onFun Disjoint l))
(h : ∀ (i : I), (l i).HasBasis (p i) (s i))
∃ (ind : (i : I) → ι i), (∀ (i : I), p i (ind i)) ∧ Pairwise (Function.onFun Disjoint fun (i : I) => s i (ind i))
{α : Type u_1}
{I : Type u_6}
{l : I → Filter α}
{ι : I → Sort u_7}
{p : (i : I) → ι i → Prop}
{s : (i : I) → ι i → Set α}
{S : Set I}
(hd : S.PairwiseDisjoint l)
(hS : S.Finite)
(h : ∀ (i : I), (l i).HasBasis (p i) (s i))
∃ (ind : (i : I) → ι i), (∀ (i : I), p i (ind i)) ∧ S.PairwiseDisjoint fun (i : I) => s i (ind i)
If s : ι → Set α
is an indexed family of sets, then finite intersections of s i
form a basis
of ⨅ i, 𝓟 (s i)