Series of a relation #
If r
is a relation on α
then a relation series of length n
is a series
a_0, a_1, ..., a_n
such that r a_i a_{i+1}
for all i < n
Let r
be a relation on α
, a relation series of r
of length n
is a series
a_0, a_1, ..., a_n
such that r a_i a_{i+1}
for all i < n
- length : ℕ
The number of inequalities in the series
The underlying function of a relation series
Adjacent elements are related
Instances For
For any type α
, each term of α
gives a relation series with the right most index to be 0.
- RelSeries.singleton r a = { length := 0, toFun := fun (x : Fin (0 + 1)) => a, step := ⋯ }
Instances For
- RelSeries.instInhabited r = { default := RelSeries.singleton r default }
Every nonempty list satisfying the chain condition gives a relation series
Instances For
Relation series of r
and nonempty list of α
satisfying r
-chain condition bijectively
corresponds to each other.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A relation r
is said to be finite dimensional iff there is a relation series of r
with the
maximum length.
A relation
is said to be finite dimensional iff there is a relation series ofr
with the maximum length.
A relation r
is said to be infinite dimensional iff there exists relation series of arbitrary
A relation
is said to be infinite dimensional iff there exists relation series of arbitrary length.
The longest relational series when a relation is finite dimensional
Instances For
A relation series with length n
if the relation is infinite dimensional
- RelSeries.withLength r n = ⋯.choose
Instances For
If a relation on α
is infinite dimensional, then α
is nonempty.
- RelSeries.membership = { mem := Function.swap fun (x1 : α) (x2 : RelSeries r) => x1 ∈ Set.range x2.toFun }
If a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ
and b₀ -r→ b₁ -r→ ... -r→ bₘ
are two strict series
such that r aₙ b₀
, then there is a chain of length n + m + 1
given by
a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ -r→ b₀ -r→ b₁ -r→ ... -r→ bₘ
Instances For
For two types α, β
and relation on them r, s
, if f : α → β
preserves relation r
, then an
-series can be pushed out to an s
-series by
a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ ↦ f a₀ -s→ f a₁ -s→ ... -s→ f aₙ
Instances For
If a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ
is an r
-series and a
is such that
aᵢ -r→ a -r→ a_ᵢ₊₁
, then
a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aᵢ -r→ a -r→ aᵢ₊₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ
is another r
Instances For
A relation series a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ
of r
gives a relation series of the reverse of r
by reversing the series aₙ ←r- aₙ₋₁ ←r- ... ←r- a₁ ←r- a₀
Instances For
Given a series a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ
and an a
such that a₀ -r→ a
holds, there is
a series of length n+1
: a -r→ a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ
- p.cons newHead rel = (RelSeries.singleton r newHead).append p rel
Instances For
Given a series a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ
and an a
such that aₙ -r→ a
holds, there is
a series of length n+1
: a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ -r→ a
- p.snoc newLast rel = p.append (RelSeries.singleton r newLast) rel
Instances For
If a series a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ
, then a₀ -r→ a₁ -r→ ... -r→ aₙ₋₁
another series
Instances For
Given two series of the form a₀ -r→ ... -r→ X
and X -r→ b ---> ...
then a₀ -r→ ... -r→ X -r→ b ...
is another series obtained by combining the given two.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A type is finite dimensional if its LTSeries
has bounded length.
- FiniteDimensionalOrder γ = Rel.FiniteDimensional fun (x1 x2 : γ) => x1 < x2
Instances For
A type is infinite dimensional if it has LTSeries
of at least arbitrary length
- InfiniteDimensionalOrder γ = Rel.InfiniteDimensional fun (x1 x2 : γ) => x1 < x2
Instances For
The longest <
-series when a type is finite dimensional
- LTSeries.longestOf α = RelSeries.longestOf fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 < x2
Instances For
A <
-series with length n
if the relation is infinite dimensional
- LTSeries.withLength α n = RelSeries.withLength (fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 < x2) n
Instances For
if α
is infinite dimensional, then α
is nonempty.
Alias of LTSeries.nonempty_of_infiniteDimensionalOrder
if α
is infinite dimensional, then α
is nonempty.
An alternative constructor of LTSeries
from a strictly monotone function.
- length toFun strictMono = { length := length, toFun := toFun, step := ⋯ }
Instances For
An injection from the type of strictly monotone functions with limited length to LTSeries
- LTSeries.injStrictMono n = { toFun := fun (f : { f : (l : Fin n) × (Fin (↑l + 1) → α) // StrictMono f.snd }) => (↑(↑f).fst) (↑f).snd ⋯, inj' := ⋯ }
Instances For
For two preorders α, β
, if f : α → β
is strictly monotonic, then a strict chain of α
can be pushed out to a strict chain of β
a₀ < a₁ < ... < aₙ ↦ f a₀ < f a₁ < ... < f aₙ
Instances For
For two preorders α, β
, if f : α → β
is surjective and strictly comonotonic, then a
strict series of β
can be pulled back to a strict chain of α
b₀ < b₁ < ... < bₙ ↦ f⁻¹ b₀ < f⁻¹ b₁ < ... < f⁻¹ bₙ
where f⁻¹ bᵢ
is an arbitrary element in the
preimage of f⁻¹ {bᵢ}
Instances For
The strict series 0 < … < n
in ℕ
- LTSeries.range n = { length := n, toFun := fun (i : Fin (n + 1)) => ↑i, step := ⋯ }
Instances For
In ℕ, the head and tail of an LTSeries
differ at least by the length of the series
In ℤ, the head and tail of an LTSeries
differ at least by the length of the series
- LTSeries.instFintypeOfDecidableRelLt = { elems := (LTSeries.injStrictMono (Fintype.card α)) Finset.univ, complete := ⋯ }
If f : α → β
is a strictly monotonic function and α
is an infinite dimensional type then so
is β