Functoriality of group cohomology #
Given a commutative ring k
, a group homomorphism f : G →* H
, a k
-linear H
, a k
-linear G
-representation B
, and a representation morphism Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
, we get
a cochain map inhomogeneousCochains A ⟶ inhomogeneousCochains B
and hence maps on
cohomology Hⁿ(H, A) ⟶ Hⁿ(G, B)
We also provide extra API for these maps in degrees 0, 1, 2.
Main definitions #
groupCohomology.cochainsMap f φ
is the mapinhomogeneousCochains A ⟶ inhomogeneousCochains B
induced by a group homomorphismf : G →* H
and a representation morphismφ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B f φ n
is the mapHⁿ(H, A) ⟶ Hⁿ(G, B)
induced by a group homomorphismf : G →* H
and a representation morphismφ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is the chain map sending x : Hⁿ → A
to (g : Gⁿ) ↦ φ (x (f ∘ g))
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Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is the induced map Zⁿ(H, A) ⟶ Zⁿ(G, B)
sending x : Hⁿ → A
(g : Gⁿ) ↦ φ (x (f ∘ g))
Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is the induced map Hⁿ(H, A) ⟶ Hⁿ(G, B)
sending x : Hⁿ → A
(g : Gⁿ) ↦ φ (x (f ∘ g))
Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is the induced map sending x : H → A
to (g : G) ↦ φ (x (f g))
- groupCohomology.fOne f φ = (ModuleCat.Hom.hom φ.hom).compLeft G ∘ₗ LinearMap.funLeft k ↑A.V ⇑f
Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is the induced map sending x : H × H → A
to (g₁, g₂ : G × G) ↦ φ (x (f g₁, f g₂))
- groupCohomology.fTwo f φ = (ModuleCat.Hom.hom φ.hom).compLeft (G × G) ∘ₗ LinearMap.funLeft k (↑A.V) ( ⇑f ⇑f)
Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is the induced map sending x : H × H × H → A
(g₁, g₂, g₃ : G × G × G) ↦ φ (x (f g₁, f g₂, f g₃))
- groupCohomology.fThree f φ = (ModuleCat.Hom.hom φ.hom).compLeft (G × G × G) ∘ₗ LinearMap.funLeft k (↑A.V) ( (⇑f) ( ⇑f ⇑f))
Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is induced map Aᴴ ⟶ Bᴳ
Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is the induced map from the short complex A --dZero--> Fun(H, A) --dOne--> Fun(H × H, A)
to B --dZero--> Fun(G, B) --dOne--> Fun(G × G, B)
- groupCohomology.mapShortComplexH1 f φ = { τ₁ := φ.hom, τ₂ := ModuleCat.ofHom (groupCohomology.fOne f φ), τ₃ := ModuleCat.ofHom (groupCohomology.fTwo f φ), comm₁₂ := ⋯, comm₂₃ := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is induced map Z¹(H, A) ⟶ Z¹(G, B)
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Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is induced map H¹(H, A) ⟶ H¹(G, B)
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Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is the induced map from the short complex
Fun(H, A) --dOne--> Fun(H × H, A) --dTwo--> Fun(H × H × H, A)
Fun(G, B) --dOne--> Fun(G × G, B) --dTwo--> Fun(G × G × G, B)
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Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is induced map Z²(H, A) ⟶ Z²(G, B)
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Instances For
Given a group homomorphism f : G →* H
and a representation morphism φ : Res(f)(A) ⟶ B
this is induced map H²(H, A) ⟶ H²(G, B)
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Instances For
The functor sending a representation to its complex of inhomogeneous cochains.
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Instances For
The functor sending a G
-representation A
to Hⁿ(G, A)
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