Ring-theoretic supplement of Algebra.Polynomial. #
Main results #
: If a ring is an integral domain, then so is its polynomial ring over finitely many variables.Polynomial.isNoetherianRing
: Hilbert basis theorem, that if a ring is noetherian then so is its polynomial ring.
The R
-submodule of R[X]
consisting of polynomials of degree ≤ n
- Polynomial.degreeLE R n = ⨅ (k : ℕ), ⨅ (_ : ↑k > n), LinearMap.ker (Polynomial.lcoeff R k)
Instances For
The R
-submodule of R[X]
consisting of polynomials of degree < n
- Polynomial.degreeLT R n = ⨅ (k : ℕ), ⨅ (_ : k ≥ n), LinearMap.ker (Polynomial.lcoeff R k)
Instances For
The equivalence between monic polynomials of degree n
and polynomials of degree less than
, formed by adding a term X ^ n
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
For every polynomial p
in the span of a set s : Set R[X]
, there exists a polynomial of
p' ∈ s
with higher degree. See also Polynomial.exists_degree_le_of_mem_span_of_finite
A stronger version of Polynomial.exists_degree_le_of_mem_span
under the assumption that the
set s : R[X]
is finite. There exists a polynomial p' ∈ s
whose degree dominates the degree of
every element of p ∈ span R s
The span of every finite set of polynomials is contained in a degreeLE n
for some n
The span of every finite set of polynomials is contained in a degreeLT n
for some n
If R
is a nontrivial ring, the polynomials R[X]
are not finite as an R
-module. When R
a field, this is equivalent to R[X]
being an infinite-dimensional vector space over R
Given a polynomial, return the polynomial whose coefficients are in the ring closure of the original coefficients.
- p.restriction = ∑ i ∈ p.support, (Polynomial.monomial i) ⟨p.coeff i, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Given a polynomial p
and a subring T
that contains the coefficients of p
return the corresponding polynomial whose coefficients are in T
- p.toSubring T hp = ∑ i ∈ p.support, (Polynomial.monomial i) ⟨p.coeff i, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Given a polynomial whose coefficients are in some subring, return the corresponding polynomial whose coefficients are in the ambient ring.
- Polynomial.ofSubring T p = ∑ i ∈ p.support, (Polynomial.monomial i) ↑(p.coeff i)
Instances For
Transport an ideal of R[X]
to an R
-submodule of R[X]
- I.ofPolynomial = { carrier := I.carrier, add_mem' := ⋯, zero_mem' := ⋯, smul_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given an ideal I
of R[X]
, make the R
-submodule of I
consisting of polynomials of degree ≤ n
- I.degreeLE n = Polynomial.degreeLE R n ⊓ I.ofPolynomial
Instances For
Given an ideal I
of R[X]
, make the ideal in R
leading coefficients of polynomials in I
with degree ≤ n
- I.leadingCoeffNth n = Submodule.map (Polynomial.lcoeff R n) (I.degreeLE ↑n)
Instances For
Given an ideal I
in R[X]
, make the ideal in R
of the
leading coefficients in I
- I.leadingCoeff = ⨆ (n : ℕ), I.leadingCoeffNth n
Instances For
If every coefficient of a polynomial is in an ideal I
, then so is the polynomial itself
The push-forward of an ideal I
of R
to R[X]
via inclusion
is exactly the set of polynomials whose coefficients are in I
If I
is an ideal, and pᵢ
is a finite family of polynomials each satisfying
∀ k, (pᵢ)ₖ ∈ Iⁿⁱ⁻ᵏ
for some nᵢ
, then p = ∏ pᵢ
also satisfies ∀ k, pₖ ∈ Iⁿ⁻ᵏ
with n = ∑ nᵢ
is never a field for any ring R
The only constant in a maximal ideal over a field is 0
If P
is a prime ideal of R
, then P.R[x]
is a prime ideal of R[x]
If P
is a prime ideal of R
, then P.R[x]
is a prime ideal of R[x]
If the coefficients of a polynomial belong to an ideal, then that ideal contains the ideal spanned by the coefficients of the polynomial.
Hilbert basis theorem: a polynomial ring over a Noetherian ring is a Noetherian ring.
The multivariate polynomial ring in finitely many variables over a noetherian ring is itself a noetherian ring.
Auxiliary lemma:
Multivariate polynomials over an integral domain
with variables indexed by Fin n
form an integral domain.
This fact is proven inductively,
and then used to prove the general case without any finiteness hypotheses.
See MvPolynomial.noZeroDivisors
for the general case.
Auxiliary definition:
Multivariate polynomials in finitely many variables over an integral domain form an integral domain.
This fact is proven by transport of structure from the MvPolynomial.noZeroDivisors_fin
and then used to prove the general case without finiteness hypotheses.
See MvPolynomial.noZeroDivisors
for the general case.
The multivariate polynomial ring over an integral domain is an integral domain.
If every coefficient of a polynomial is in an ideal I
, then so is the polynomial itself,
multivariate version.