

Smooth locus of an algebra #

Most results in this file are proved for algebras of finite presentations. Some of them are true for arbitrary algebras but the proof is substantially harder.

Main results #

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev Algebra.IsSmoothAt (R : Type u) {A : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing A] [Algebra R A] (p : Ideal A) [p.IsPrime] :

An R-algebra A is smooth at a prime p of A if Aₚ is formally smooth over R.

This does not imply Aₚ is smooth over R under the mathlib definition even if A is finitely presented, but it can be shown that this is equivalent to the stacks project definition that A is smooth at p if and only if there exists f ∉ p such that A_f is smooth over R. See Algebra.basicOpen_subset_smoothLocus_iff_smooth and Algebra.isOpen_smoothLocus.

Stacks Tag 00TB

Instances For

    Algebra.smoothLocus R A is the set of primes p of A such that Aₚ is formally smooth over R.

    Instances For