

Trees in the sense of descriptive set theory #

This file defines trees of depth ω in the sense of descriptive set theory as sets of finite sequences that are stable under taking prefixes.

Main declarations #

A tree is a set of finite sequences, implemented as List A, that is stable under taking prefixes. For the definition we use the equivalent property x ++ [a] ∈ T → x ∈ T, which is more convenient to check. We define tree A as a complete sublattice of Set (List A), which coerces to the type of trees on A.

Instances For
    theorem Descriptive.mem_of_append {A : Type u_1} {T : (tree A)} {x y : List A} (h : x ++ y T) :
    x T
    theorem Descriptive.mem_of_prefix {A : Type u_1} {T : (tree A)} {x y : List A} (h' : x <+: y) (h : y T) :
    x T
    theorem Descriptive.tree_eq_bot {A : Type u_1} {T : (tree A)} :
    T = []T