Constructible sets #
This file defines constructible sets, which are morally sets in a topological space which we can make out of finite unions and intersections of open and closed sets.
Precisely, constructible sets are the boolean subalgebra generated by open retrocompact sets, where a set is retrocompact if its intersection with every compact open set is compact. In a locally noetherian space, all sets are retrocompact, in which case this boolean subalgebra is simply the one generated by the open sets.
Constructible sets are useful because the image of a constructible set under a finitely presented morphism of schemes is a constructible set (and this is not true at the level of varieties).
Main declarations #
: Predicate for a set to be retrocompact, namely to have its intersection with every compact open be compact.IsConstructible
: Predicate for a set to be constructible, namely to belong to the boolean subalgebra generated by open retrocompact sets.IsLocallyConstructible
: Predicate for a set to be locally constructible, namely to be partitionable along an open cover such that each of its parts is constructible in the respective open subspace.
retrocompact sets #
A retrocompact set is a set whose intersection with every compact open is compact.
Instances For
Stacks Tag 005J (Extracted from the proof)
Stacks Tag 09YE (Extracted from the proof)
Constructible sets #
A constructible set is a set that can be written as the finite union/finite intersection/complement of open retrocompact sets.
In other words, constructible sets form the boolean subalgebra generated by open retrocompact sets.
- Topology.IsConstructible s = (s ∈ BooleanSubalgebra.closure {U : Set X | IsOpen U ∧ IsRetrocompact U})
Instances For
Alias of the forward direction of Topology.isConstructible_compl
Alias of the reverse direction of Topology.isConstructible_compl
An induction principle for constructible sets. If p
holds for all open retrocompact
sets, and is preserved under union and complement, then p
holds for all constructible sets.
If f
is continuous and is such that preimages of retrocompact sets are retrocompact, then
preimages of constructible sets are constructible.
Variant of TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis.isRetrocompact_iff_isCompact
for a
non-indexed topological basis.
Stacks Tag 0069 (Iff form of (2). Note that Stacks doesn't define quasi-separated spaces.)
Stacks Tag 0069 (Iff form of (2). Note that Stacks doesn't define quasi-separated spaces.)
Variant of TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis.isRetrocompact
for a non-indexed topological
Variant of TopologicalSpace.IsTopologicalBasis.isConstructible
for a non-indexed topological
Locally constructible sets #
A set in a topological space is locally constructible, if every point has a neighborhood on which the set is constructible.
- Topology.IsLocallyConstructible s = ∀ (x : X), ∃ U ∈ nhds x, IsOpen U ∧ Topology.IsConstructible (Subtype.val ⁻¹' s)