

Grothendieck abelian categories have enough injectives #

Let C be a Grothendieck abelian category. In this file, we formalize the theorem by Grothendieck that C has enough injectives.

We recall that injective objects can be characterized in terms of lifting properties (see the file Preadditive.Injective.LiftingProperties): an object I : C is injective iff the morphism I ⟶ 0 has the right lifting property with respect to all monomorphisms.

The main technical lemma in this file is the lemma generatingMonomorphisms_rlp which states that if G is a generator of C, then a morphism X ⟶ Y has the right lifting property with respect to the inclusions of subobjects of G iff it has the right lifting property with respect to all monomorphisms. Then, we can apply the small object argument to the family of morphisms generatingMonomorphisms G which consists of the inclusions of subobjects of G. When it is applied to the morphism X ⟶ 0, the factorization given by the small object is a factorization X ⟶ I ⟶ 0 where I is injective (because I ⟶ 0 has the expected right lifting properties), and X ⟶ I is a monomorphism because it is a transfinite composition of monomorphisms (this uses the axiom AB5).

The proof of the technical lemma generatingMonomorphisms_rlp that was formalized is not exactly the same as in the mathematical literature. Assume that p : X ⟶ Y has the lifting property with respect to monomorphisms in the family generatingMonomorphisms G. We would like to show that p has the right lifting property with respect to any monomorphism i : A ⟶ B. In various sources, given a commutative square with i on the left and p on the right, the ordered set of subobjects A' of B containing A equipped with a lifting A' ⟶ X is introduced. The existence of a lifting B ⟶ X is usually obtained by applying Zorn's lemma in this situation. Here, we split the argument into two separate facts:

References #

Given an object G : C, this is the family of morphisms in C given by the inclusions of all subobjects of G. If G is a separator, and C is a Grothendieck abelian category, then any monomorphism in C is a transfinite composition of pushouts of monomorphisms in this family (see generatingMonomorphisms.exists_transfiniteCompositionOfShape).

Instances For
    theorem CategoryTheory.IsGrothendieckAbelian.generatingMonomorphisms.exists_pushouts {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {G : C} [Abelian C] (hG : IsSeparator G) {X Y : C} (p : X Y) [Mono p] (hp : ¬IsIso p) :
    ∃ (X' : C) (i : X X') (p' : X' Y) (_ : (generatingMonomorphisms G).pushouts i) (_ : ¬IsIso i) (_ : Mono p'), CategoryStruct.comp i p' = p

    If p : X ⟶ Y is a monomorphism that is not an isomorphism, there exists a subobject X' of Y containing X (but different from X) such that the inclusion X ⟶ X' is a pushout of a monomorphism in the family generatingMonomorphisms G.

    Assuming G : C is a generator, X : C, and A : Subobject X, this is a subobject of X which is if A = ⊤, and otherwise it is a larger subobject given by the lemma exists_larger_subobject. The inclusion of A in largerSubobject hG A is a pushout of a monomorphism in the family generatingMonomorphisms G (see pushouts_ofLE_le_largerSubobject).

    Instances For

      Let C be a Grothendieck abelian category with a generator (hG), X : C, A₀ : Subobject X. Let J be a well ordered type. This is the functor J ⥤ MonoOver X which corresponds to the evaluation at A₀ of the transfinite iteration of the map largerSubobject hG : Subobject X → Subobject X.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]

        The functor J ⥤ C induced by functorToMonoOver hG A₀ J : J ⥤ MonoOver X.

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        Instances For

          For any j, the map (functor hG A₀ J).map (homOfLE bot_le : ⊥ ⟶ j) is a transfinite composition of pushouts of monomorphisms in the family generatingMonomorphisms G.

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          Instances For

            If transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) j ( f) = ⊤, then the monomorphism f is a transfinite composition of pushouts of monomorphisms in the family generatingMonomorphisms G.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For

              Let C be a Grothendieck abelian category. Assume that G : C is a generator of C. Then, any morphism in C is a transfinite composition of pushouts of monomorphisms in the family generatingMonomorphisms G which consists of the inclusions of the subobjects of G.

              @[reducible, inline]

              A (functorial) factorization of any morphisms in a Grothendieck abelian category as a monomorphism followed by a morphism which has the right lifting property with respect to all monomorphisms.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For