

Essential surjectivity of fiber functors #

Let F : C ⥤ FintypeCat be a fiber functor of a Galois category C and denote by H the induced functor C ⥤ Action FintypeCat (Aut F).

In this file we show that the essential image of H consists of the finite Aut F-sets where the Aut F action is continuous.

Main results #

Strategy #

We first show that every finite, discrete Aut F-set Y has a decomposition into connected components and each connected component is of the form Aut F ⧸ U for an open subgroup U. Since H preserves finite coproducts, it hence suffices to treat the case Y = Aut F ⧸ U. For the case Y = Aut F ⧸ U we closely follow the second part of Stacks Project Tag 0BN4.

If X is a finite discrete G-set, it can be written as the finite disjoint union of quotients of the form G ⧸ Uᵢ for open subgroups (Uᵢ). Note that this is simply the decomposition into orbits.

For every open subgroup V of Aut F, there exists an X : C such that F.obj X ≅ Aut F ⧸ V as Aut F-sets.

If X is a finite, discrete Aut F-set with continuous Aut F-action, then there exists A : C such that F.obj A ≅ X as Aut F-sets.

Stacks Tag 0BN4 (Essential surjectivity part)